Changes Made to These Pages

01/06/06  God's hooks!  An update!  (Well, a few fixes...)
          Fixed links to maps and the woodcut
12/04/02  Made some corrections to Kingdom of Bohemia page

05/23/02  God's teeth!  Another update! Added the final story summary,
          still need to add "the Movie" summary

02/23/01  Another update!  Just fixed a broken file link for the area map

01/15/00  Whoa!  An update!  Updated Cynric, put disclaimers on
          name pages (way too many rude emails about their accuracy)
04/10/99  Added page on Quaestors (Quaesitors)
02/05/99  Updated other covenants with links to Corona Montis
01/09/99  Updated covenants, added link to Corona Montis
01/02/99  Updated turb, funerary archive, vis treasury...
          big reunion game today!
01/01/99  Updated magic items, additional Houses
12/18/98  Updated Cynric, Loretta, magic items, ablative parma
11/30/98  Updated magi and added the saga summary (more updates to
          come over the next few weeks; although the Rabenstein
          saga is now defunct, there's a lot to update)
06/14/98  Updated player roster with pictures (most of us look
          even scarier in real life)
06/13/98  Updated story summaries, German names, quotes
          Also corrected German/Czech names throughout area pages
05/19/98  Updated turb
05/11/98  Updated Merento, Cynric
05/08/98  Updated Merento, turb, story summaries, added sergeant
05/03/98  Added Russian names page
05/02/98  Updated Merento
04/23/98  Updated Melete, Merento, turb, Cynric's swords
04/21/98  Updated story summaries, other covenants, Cynric
          Added Tobias, Cynric's swords page
04/19/98  Updated turb, story summaries, player roster
04/05/98  Updated Merento, turb, Jason's email address
03/25/98  Updated Cynric, added Loretta and Meléte
03/24/98  Updated story summaries, magi, quotes
03/22/98  Updated turb, Cynric's enemy list, quotes
03/20/98  Mike had a baby girl!  Well, Rebecca did I guess.
          Updated Merento, Cynric, vis treasury
03/07/98  Updated story summaries, turb, magi, Cynric, enemy list
02/26/98  Added Julian's background, updated turb
02/24/98  Updated story summaries, turb, spells, magi, Merento,
02/18/98  Updated story summaries, turb, magic items, Windows font
02/15/98  Updated library, turb
02/08/98  Added Jason's kick-ass map, map pieces to clickable map
02/07/98  Updated Merento, Cynric, vis treasury, spells
02/01/98  Updated vis treasury, story summaries
01/22/98  Updated Nicolaus, Julian, Magda, turb, stories, quotes
          Added penetentials, traditions of Bjornaer, Alps map
01/13/98  Updated story summaries, turb, bibliography
01/11/98  Updated Lassitor's sanctum, turb
01/10/98  Updated Cynric, enemy list, vis treasury, quotes
01/05/98  Updated player roster, Nicolaus, Merento, Cynric
12/10/97  Updated player roster, new photo on Introduction
12/09/97  Updated story summaries (replete with raven's verses),
          Cynric's sanctum (with new picture!), Magda's sanctum
12/06/97  New format for most of the Magi sheets, updated Turb,
          added 'woodcut' to Magi page, link to Rus map should work
11/25/97  Updated story summaries, Nicolaus' and Cynric's sancti,
          library, preparing to reorganize the turb pages since
          many were...(ahem) demoted. :^(
11/23/97  Upped new pics for Merento & some of the turb
11/22/97  Updated quotes page, corrected Nicolaus' house
11/20/97  Updated story summaries, spells, Merento, Cynric & enemies
11/05/97  Updated Men of the Cloth, Nobles pages
          Minor fixes to Story Summaries, Other Covenants
11/04/97  Reorganized and updated story summaries
          Minor fixes to Area Map, Magic Items
11/01/97  Updates: Other Covenants, Vis Treasury, Turb, Magic
          Items, Merento's Sanctum, Cynric's Sanctum, Spells
10/14/97  Added Fonts page, so people with appropriate browsers
          will see headers in Rabenstein font
10/13/97  Updated turb and story summaries, including Greece opus
10/11/97  Added scanned maps of the Covenant principia and walls
          Hopefully fixed most broken graphics links
10/01/97  Attempting to fix glitches in formatting with some success
          Added Nicolaus' stats, picture
09/14/97  Reorganization of the site, new index graphic
          New pages on German towns, Medieval law, fairs & markets
08/29/97  Updated Melnik's page, bibliography, other Covenants
          Added folklore pages on moles and vampyres
          Added page on Covenant patrols & defense
08/28/97  Updated story summaries
          Added pages for Spell Colour and Laws of Magic
          Uploaded updated pages for Capra, Gustav, Magda, Lassitor
08/16/97  Updated story summaries, Capra's sanctum, Magi page
          Working on switching to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
08/13/97  Updated Other Covenants of the Order page
          Updated Turb, Quotes, Introduction pages
          Got rid of the intro scroll; it served us well
08/05/97  Updated story summaries, added picture to intro page
          Updated Quotes page, new spells, Hermetic grimoire
          Added Cynric's wondrous new Enemies List!  Fun for all!
07/23/97  Updated story summaries
          Added pictures of the burg to Southern Mur page
          Updated Magda's Sanctum, created Nicolaus'
          Updated longevity potions page
07/08/97  Looks like part of the changes page got nuked!
          Added new spells, form and effect bonuses

05/12/97  Updated Lassitor's Sanctum - off to Vegas!
05/05/97  Fixed header graphics for story summaries page
          Added Salzkammergut and Austria pages
          Upated quotes page, Cynric's stats, library page
05/02/97  Updated story summaries and added summary table
          (story summaries now in separate file for each year,
          so many pages had to be modified to link correctly)
04/03/97  Repaired link from Covenant Resources to magic items
04/02/97  Adventure log file updated again
          Library information updated
          Added Czech names
          Lot of little repairs from the big changes yesterday
04/01/97  New graphic index page in place
          New clickable area map in place
          Restructuring of some pages
          Added info on Cynric Ex Miscellanea
          Adventure log file restored
          Added quotes page
03/27/97  Added counter to index.html
03/22/97  Updated player roster
          Working on complete revision of web pages for April
03/03/97  Updated adventure logs
01/11/97  New "parchment" welcome message in place
          Library pages updated to 4th edition
          Cosmetic changes to charter page
          Updated adventure logs
12/18/96  Reorganization of index page (in anticipation of
          more complete overhaul in January)
12/14/96  Added Kingdom of Bohemia page
          Updated Fischbacheralpen page
          Added spells sorted by Art to Library page
          Updated Julian's and Cynric's sanctum pages
          Merged all Hungary info onto one page
          Removed redundant Villagers of Bruck page
12/05/96  Updated Knowledge of Hungary page
          Updated Western Mur Valley page
          Updated Duchy of Carinthia page
          Updated Fischbacheralpen page
          Total overhaul of Covenant Turb page
          Added Men of the Cloth page
          Added Nobles page
          Added Other Covenants page
          Reformatted player roster
          Minor updates to index page and Adventure summaries
12/04/96  Added Ann's and Chris' email addresses to player roster
          Updated adventure logs, including "cast" listings
          New Murz River Valley page
10/31/96  Added pages on Enns Valley, foods, superstitions
          Added pages on Vis Treasury, Vis Purification
          Added pages on charter, introduction, caves
          Added bibliography, updated "who owns what"
          Added pictures to the geography pages and others
          Updated adventure logs
10/14/96  Added Sancti for Capra, Cynric, Gustav, Lassitor, Melnik
          Updated player roster (added Blythe, removed Kathie)
09/25/96  Added information on Ministeriales
          Added information on Western and Southern Mur Valley
          Added information on Murz River Valley
          Added picture of Burgrabenstein
09/24/96  Added adventure summaries
          Added information on Kingdom of Hungary
          Added information on Duchy of Carinthia
          Added house rule on reputation scores and Certamen
08/20/96  Added anchors to Bruck-an-der-Mur page
          Added Kendall's info to "who owns what" page
          Corrected information about Lassitor
          Changed Rabenstein "logo"
08/06/96  Added anchors and Magi descriptions to long Troupe roster
          Added player roster and Magus sancti
          Added the "who owns what" page
07/17/96  Added many pages from Jason's notes
07/15/96  First cursory pages in place

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