Where Have All the Swords Gone, or

The Tale of Cynric Ex Miscellanea's Swords

Cynric has garnered several reputations around the covenant, most notably as a righteous, vengeful hothead who foolishly chases redheads around and even more foolishly throws himself into dangerous battles. While the vengeful side has caused Cynric to compile quite a list of enemies, another fascinating aspect of Cynric's character is his penchant for losing his sword. For posterity's sake, the fates of these weapons (which have oft been wielded against fearsome foes, or sometimes pathetic ones) are recorded here...

Cynric is currently on sword number: SEVEN

  1. Cynric's first sword, a fine broadsword of Varangian manufacture, was taken from him in the Hungarian village of Nyiregyhaza, after he first met Lassitor of Criamon during the story The Sailors of Mabanogia. The magi escaped but Cynric did not recover the sword, which he had brought from Earthwound Covenant.
  2. His second sword was taken from him by Tibor, woodsman of Kalkstein, during the story The Lottery of Kalkstein. Rabenstein's expedition was captured and their weapons confiscated. They later escaped and searched for Tibor but he (and Cyrnic's sword, a small but hardy weapon from Rabenstein) were not found.
  3. The third sword, a sturdy but nondescript weapon forged by the covenant's smith Uri, was given to the Raubrittern encountered during the story The Pools of Bad Gleichenberg. Pretending to be a "Wizard of the Windswept Ash" (most likely from Valcum Covenant), Cynric bargained his sword for the right to collect the egg of a water beast. The sword was said to have wounded the vampire Pisantes, which suitably impressed the knights. Cynric later met the knight who wears it now.
  4. Replacing this sword with a rather plain one from the stores of the covenant, Cynric's fourth sword was lost under embarrasing circumstances. Confronting the boy Aelfrik at the end of the story Springtime is for Lovers..., the boy swung at Cynric and rolled really high, knocking him out. Cynric woke up without a sword and with a reputation as a "glass jaw" in Fröhnleiten.
  5. Purchasing a new sword of Graz manufacture (not fancy, but well-crafted), Cyrnic used this weapon in several conflicts. It had to be retired when Cynric pierced the side of the beast Artos during the story Babdh the Old Crone, Act II. Its acid blood dissolved a good portion of the blade, and now the sword adorns Cynric's wall as a trophy. The blade was also wielded by Cynric in Rabenstein's battle against the Polovtsy shapechangers.
  6. Returning to Graz for a very similar weapon, the sixth sword did not last long. While journeying to Rus (during the story The Little Boy Everybody Wanted) with some Hanseatic League merchants, Cynric spied one of their ministeriales flirting with Loretta and subsequently melted his sword with Wrathful Torment of the Searing Forge. While the warrior did not comprehend what happened, Loretta convinced Cynric to give the man his own sword as recompense.
  7. Cynric's seventh sword was purchased in the market of Kiev. A heavy broad sword of Russian manufacture, it is undecorated save for some Church Slavonic inscription on the pommel. Cynric is considering naming the weapon, hoping this might grant him the luck to hold on to the weapon for a while...

This page last modified 4/23/98.

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