Other Covenants of the Order of Hermes

Covenants of the Rhine Tribunal
Fluminis Lucerna
Lacrimare Saxum
Obscurum ad Luminis
Pastoris ad Caelum
Somnium Maritima
Covenants of the Greater Alps Tribunal
Nubes Fenestre
Covenants of the Transylvanian Tribunal
Covenants of the Roman Tribunal
Caverna Naturno
Isola Vulcano
Covenants of the Theban Tribunal
Pindus Prodidae
Covenants of the Novgorod Tribunal
Zavet Stlupa Trina
Zavet Vrkhina
Zavet Zemlisky Rany
Other Tribunals (on the Corona Montis pages)

Covenants of the Rhine Tribunal


This Autumn Covenant lies in the rolling landscape of the green Mühlviertel of Austria, north of the town of Linz (on the Danube) along the border with the Kingdom of Bohemia (just south of lake Lipinská and the dense Böhemerwald). The Covenant actually inhabits the fortress of Hinterweissenbach, which stands majestically atop a steep hillock, and defends the nearby village of Vorderweissenbach. Although Magi from several differing traditions reside in the fortress, it is considered a stronghold of House Jerbiton, dating back to its founding in the late 11th Century. In fact, the mundane lord of the fortress is the nephew of its supreme Magus, who himself serves as an Advocate (a magistrate that presides over criminal matters in the name of the crown, appointed by the Bishop of Passau).

AndernachAs Andernach is the nearest Covenant in the Rhine Tribunal to Rabenstein, the two Covenants held a council at Hinterwessenbach in 1200. Anxious to appease the elder Covenant, Rabenstein agreed to conceed any potential vis sources north of the Enns Valley to Andernach (see the adventure summary The Silver Tongue of Andernach). Although little contact has transpired between the two Covenants since this meeting, tension has existed between them ever since Andernach subsequently opposed Rabenstein's petition for membership in the Rhine at the Tribunal of 1202 at Transmarisca.

Magi of Andernach:

Burchard of House Jerbiton

A haggard old man, guant from his sedentary lifestyle and quite successful in his position as Advocate. The uncle of the lord of Hinterweissenbach, he is reputed to be soft-hearted, but is obviously competent even in his old age. He ovioiusly prefers the company of nobility to that of Magi, and clearly plays a role in the politics of the fortress.

Naor Mysocaras of House Jerbiton

An elder woman who must walk with a cane (it has been observed that her toad familiar is missing a leg), and has abandoned the intricacies of courtly diplomacy that characterized her early career for a quest for longevity. She visited Rabenstein in search of Corpus vis, and has offered to trade other vis sources for Corpus.

Meinhard of Tytalus

An enigmatic Magus afflicted with strange visions after his numerous twilights. Though Rabenstein did not know of his existence when the visited Andernach in 1200, he has corresponded several times subsequently about his visions of Valcum Covenant.

Consuanetus of House Tremere

The youngest Magus of Andernach, who goes by the mundane name Theodric and is the heir-apparant of Burchard. Amenable to the philosophy of Jerbiton, he has embraced the traditions of noble court and serves his masters here dutifully.


Gaston is not a Magus, but rather the Librarian of Andernach, trained by both monks and the Magi of Jerbiton at their Domus Magnus Castellemare in the high Alps. An intelligent, stern man, Gaston coordinates the duties of the castle with the needs of its Magi. Rabenstein shares Andernach's tradition, as their Autocrat and Lord, Lady Enelle Hallinger, also trained at Castellemare.


Eternal home of the shapeshifters of Bjornaer, its exact location a mystery (thought to be somewhere in the Black Forest near the Alps). An ancient place, dating back to the time of the Founding, its serves as the Domus Magnus of the lineage. Fearful of the recent growth of the Order, and recurrent antagonism by Houses of Latin-based Magi (particularly Tremere, Jerbiton, and Guernicus), the magi of Crintera maintain a very insular group, welcoming few outsiders into their thoughts or homes. They unilaterally opposed Rabenstein's petition for membership in the Rhine in both 1202 and 1209 despite the ties of both Capra and Magda of Bjornaer to the Covenant (preferring instead that the two shapeshifters return to Crintera). Although there are thought to be over 10 magi who belong to Crintera, not all of them are said to reside within the forest, perhaps eeking out a solitary existence somewhere else in the region or more distant parts of the Holy Roman Empire. Only 4 magi participated in the recent Tribunal and are known to Rabenstein.

Magi of Crintera, Domus Magnus of Bjornaer:

Urgen of Bjornaer

Primi of his rank; defensive and elderly, with the heart-beast of a beech tree (very unusual, and naturally stoic).

Konrad of Bjornaer

Small framed and dirty, this little man is the former master of Capra, who generally supports his pupil's decisions and the magi of Rabenstein (though he was too loyal to Urgen to vote against his Primus).

Jelsig of Bjornaer

A handsome young man and well-groomed (rabbit heart-beast). Privately more outgoing than Urgen, but wary of public, vocal opposition to the Primus.

Demetria Ex Miscellanea

The only non-Bjornaer magus at Crintera, admitted to the Covenant by decree of Urgen for unknown reasons. She is very asexual, wearing a simple cowel and remaining quiet.


The legendary home of Bonisagus himself and eldest Covenant in the Order of Hermes, located in a haggard castle along the northern fringes of the Black Forest in the Duchy of Franconia. While it currently holds little mundane prestige or power, and its clout within the Rhine Tribunal is diminishing, Durenmar still holds the respect and admiration of the entire Order, and is the site of the Grand Tribunal every 33 years. It is an insult to Durenmar that that through a political misunderstanding the Rhine Tribunals are held at Transmarisca Covenant and not at Durenmar (as they had been for over 25 years), and their members have never fully (or at least graciously) accepted the decision, biding their time until the Rhine Tribunals return here to their rightful place.

In accordance with its heritige, Durenmar is the Domus Magnus of House Bonisagus (and until last century, House Trianoma as well). Although Durenmar has had little interaction with Rabenstein, its members generally support the spring Covenant, and respect that one of their own, Merento filius Rahewin, administers to the site.

Magi of Durenmar, Domus Magnus of Bonisagus:

Archmage Avarret of Bonisagus

Primus of his order, a bitter, uncreative old man consumed with his own glory and immovable regarding changes within magic of the Order. Wary of hedge wizardry.

Labrum of House Trianoma

The right-hand man of Avarret, and equally conservative.

Ficus of Bonisagus

Even-handed, the nominal leader of the House and successor of Avarret.

Seithinnin of Trianoma

The Librarian of Durenmar, who made his reservations about the possible domination by House Jerbiton of the Tribunal well-known to Rabenstein and its Jerbiton members.

Caeruleum Carmen of Carpandus

Arch Magus and infamous elemental master.

Axionicus of Arteman

Master of Anheta, a member of Lacrimare Saxum, and a friend of Caeruleum.

Nuntius of Mercere

The latest in a long tradition of Redcaps at Durenmar, he serves the Covenant dutifully, and prides himself on his scrying ability (all Redcaps at Durenmar must possess the ability to work magic).

Fluminis Lucerna

The "River's Lamp," a venerable Hermetic presence along the Rhine river. The Autumn Covenant actually owns (or politically dominates) a string of river tolls and castles from Essen to Worms (including properties in the Duchy of Franconia, Lower Lorraine, and Saxony), and is the staunch rival of Durenmar. It has gained a favorable impression among the Order for its statesmanship and stability, seldom engaging in feuds. Of late however, its rise in power and reputation have led to animosity from Durenmar, Silistra, and more recently Irencillia.

Magi of Fluminis Lucerna Covenant:

Ancharius of Tremere

An Eloquent spokesman, and well known advocate of Jerbiton-ish interaction between the Order and mundane men.

Renatus of Merenita

The self-proclaimed 'Master of rivers', a protegé of the Covenant's founder and an accomplished Certámen master.

Epicasté of Bjornaer

Stern woman, raised by House Carpandus, but with the heart-beast of a fish. Cool, clammy appearance with simply grey robe and a hat of felt.

Henricus of Verditius

A rather senile man self absorbed with his magical devices and Hermetic traditions.


The Domus Magnus of Houses Merinita and Quendalon, a place of considerable strife and strange magics, located within a series of huts and hovels deep in the Bohemerwald forest along the Bohemian border. It is said that faerie glamours hide its location from unwanted visitors. Some have heard of recent turmoil within the Covenant, as its previous Primi (Vaneria) vanished several years ago...and at the Tribunal of 1209 one of the magi voiced obvious concern over the future of the House under its new Primus, Deiopea. Although many more magi are known to belong to or frequent this Covenant, the following members are the only ones known to Rabenstein so far...

Magi of Fluminis Lucerna Covenant:

Deiopea of Quendalon

Perhaps the most beautiful woman in all of Europe, and the brash young Prima of her House. Some question her dedication to the Order, and her reign promises to be full of strife.

Sophax of Quendalon

An elder man from the Mediterranean, some say brought to assist the new Prima control her followers with his skill at Certámen.

Curioso of Merenita

The infamous student of Umbro of Callimachus, a free-thinker, despised by members of Quendalon for his theories of the origins of the Fay. Though he has many friends within the House and the Order, many fear that his rivalry with Deiopea will lead to his renouncement, and possibly a wizard's war among his kind.

Gustav of Merinita

Former member and founder of Rabenstein, treading an uneasy friendship with both factions with the House.

Archturus of Merenita

An accomplished astronomer.

Deszo Mona of Quendalon

Former member of Bjornaer, cast our from that House.

Lacrimare Saxum

The Covenant of Lacrimare Saxum (Weeping Rock) was founded in 1202 in the wild hills of Moravia by several ambitious young Magi. Little more than a few wooden buildings along the small Trenava river (about 30 miles northwest of Olomouc, and 25 miles east of the wealthy Bohemian town of Kutna Hory), the Covenant's magical aura is centered upon a great, looming rock which according to local legend, was the site where mystical princess Libuse (wife of the Slav kings of the past) was born.

Forest Near Weeping RockThe tumultuous conflict between German immigrants (invited by the Priemsyl Ottokar) and Czech nobles has swept apart the tranquility of the Covenfolk, threatening to ruin the Order's attempt to foster a presence in Bohemia.

Rabenstein sent a delegation here in 1207 at the behest of the Quaesitori to investigate the troublesome rise of a hedge wizard in neighboring Slovakia (see the adventure summary King Samo, Master of Lepers). Relations between the two spring Covenants are tenuous as best, as one of its members pilfered mundane goods from Rabenstein, and the entire delegation from Rabenstein voted against Lacrimare Saxum's petition for membership at the Tribunal of 1209.

Magi of Weeping Rock Covenant:

Spitihnev filius Sigurd of House Tytalus

Bohemian by birth, this proud young Magus was raised in a monastery, learning Cyrillic before being discovered by the Order, and apprenticed in the Novgorod Tribunal at the Zavet Stlupa Trina (Covenant of the Tower of Thorns). Free from his tormenting master, he chose this region because of the relative freedom it offered and is the unchallanged leader of the Covenant.

Anheta of House Arteman

A poor magician whose interests lie rather in studying the traditions and folklore of the local folk (quite common among her House). She had hoped to found a Covenant in Poland, but was convinced by Spitihnev to pursue her career here. A rather submissive woman, she also suffers from a compulsion to steal, and offended the Magi of Rabenstein by filching some of their dining-wares during her stay there.

Tempestus of House Flambeau

A frustrated, bitter young Iberian, who follows the traditions of the Cult of Zeus (practitioners of violent Auram magics). Having suffered a crippling injury during his first guantlet, he chose Lacrimare Saxum as a dismal site in the distant east where he could forget his past. At last report he had journeyed by wagon to Samo's castle and had not returned.

Edömér of House Tremere

A young Hungarian magus from Taedia Somnium Covenant in the TransylvanianTribunal. A relatively quiet man, he only joined Weeping Rock in 1209 and seemed deferent to Spitenhev's decisions.


Mondsagen is a well-known Rhine Covenant, founded in the year 1138, lying within a forest in the land of Silesia (recently incorporated into the Holy Roman Empire). Despite its age, the Covenant is generally regarded to remain in a perpetual Spring, and its only presitge derives from its infamous Tytalus member, Sigmund Arestae (who is often mistakenly identified as its Supreme Magus, for in truth the Magi of Mondsagen do not embrace such a rank). A recent apprentice at Mondsagen, Nicolaus of House Arteman, has joined Rabenstein, and this has solidified ties between the two Covenants. Further, the former librarian of Mondsagen now makes his home at Rabenstein after he was ejected from the former Covenant in 1210 for puportedly defacing their books.

MondsagenMondsagen is famous for a magical cavern, the source of its magical aura and namesake, appropriately called the Cave of Moonbeams. Magi from throughout Europe have made the journey to investigate this cavern, particularly members of House Criamon, and Mondsagen's library is richer for their endeavor (in recent years, Magi on such a quest have been asked to contribute to the Covenant's library in return for being allowed to enter the Cave). In fact, 3 of Rabenstein's Magi have entered the cave; Lassitor of Criamon and Cynric of Ex Miscellanea made this pilgrimage in 1205. Nicolaus too entered the cavern soon after passing his guantlet, but the cave left a forboding impression upon him (part of the reason he sought to depart Mondsagen for a new Covenant).

The Cave of Moonbeams is known to have markedly different effects, and leave pronouced, even antithetic impressions upon the various Magi who have consented to enter it. Only one fact is known for certain; no Magus can enter the cave more than once without going mad (a trend that has restrained Mondsagen from progressing as other Hermetic Covenants). Those who know the Magi of Mondsagen well suspect that many of them have gone quite mad, and that perhaps simply living in the proximity of the cave can induce madness with time.

The Covenant itself occupies a small squat tower, with several underground chambers carved out of the cavernous hillside comprising the bulk of its interior. Its turb is thought to be quite weak, as the cave has affected many of its fold as well. Nearby Obscurum ad Luminis Covenant has risen as a legitimate threat to the serentity of Mondsagen in recent decades.

Magi of Mondsagen Covenant:

Sigimund Arestae, filius Lor Gaspar of House Tytalus

The leader of the Covenant, affectionately referred to as 'the scarlet' by members of Tytalus (a nickname that has begun to spread to other Magi of the Order in recent years). He has a reputation of being hot-headed, and though he made a point of meeting and dining with Lassitor and Cynric upon their arrival, little was seen of him after this during their 6-month stay at the Covenant.

Venceslas of House Criamon

One of the founders of the Covenant, who is the only Magus to enter the Cave of Moonbeams twice without going mad (though this has come into question of late).

Portanthus of House Bonisagus

A cautious elder Magus who lends an air of stability to the Covenant (in fact, Portanthus has never entered the Cave of Moonbeams). His apprentice Nicolaus, who did not display a knack for Hermetic theory and was admitted to House Arteman instead, joined Rabenstein in 1209, strengthening ties between the two Covenants.

Chloe of House Jerbiton

A relatively new member of Mondsagen, who administers the petitions of Magi come to enter the Cave. A young woman, drawn into the Order by her familial ties, she has taken the place of Sigimund's apprentice since his pupil tragically entered the Cave of Moonbeams a second time.

Caesarius of House Ex Miscellanea

An aging master of natural magics, particularly those dealing with subterranean places.

Obscurum ad Luminis

This maturing Hermetic Covenant lies deep within the wilds of Poland, not far from Krakow, and boasts a long and arduous history. Originally founded in 1148 as a 'colony' of the Covenant Junkerath (which has since fallen), the Covenant suffered a debacle in which several of its Magi were slain in 1160. Reorganizing the Covenant to prevent its foundering, apprentices from Durenmar, Crintera, and Irencillia were sent to Obscurum ad Luminis over the next decade, but their distance from germany and selfish hoarding of vast magical resources led to considerable independence, and a growing mistrust among Magi from their home Covenants.

Their geographic location has made the Covenant rather distinct from other German Covenants, perhaps hindering its long jounrney into summer, and most regard this Covenant as a group of renegades. Note that although the Kingdom of Poland may be construed to be part of the Tribunal of Novgorod to the east, no controversy has developed over the location of Obscurum ad Luminis and its membership in the Rhine Tribunal. Most of its members are not known to Rabenstein, but Vologeses seemed anxious to avoid the admission of Lacrimare Saxum in neighboring Moravia. A natural rival with Mondsagen, this Covenant is thought to covet the Cave of Moonbeams and seek to cause Mondsagen's fall to secure it for their own. Many within the Rhine Tribunal cynically call them the strongest asset of the Tribunal of Novgorod.

Magi of Obscurum ad Luminis Covenant:

Statira of Merinita

Leader of the Covenant, originally from Irencillia. Her health has been failing in recent years and she was unable to attend the most recent Rhine Tribunal.

Vologeses of Flambeau

Leader of the Covenant, she embraces conflict, and seems to think the distance of her home from populated Germany shelters them from potential Hermetic retribution. Flowery, flashy attire, with obvious vis sources on her body.

Pancrato of Merinita

Recent apprentice of the founder of the Covenant, Statira.

Pastoris ad Caelum

'Shepard of the Sky Covenant'. Located in the March of Brandenberg, this Covenant has managed to soar into prominence in the past 30 years (eased by the fact that it is the only Hermetic presence between Somnium Maritima and Irencillia). Built in the lowlands of northern Germany, with little magical resources, the Covenant has relied upon mundane strengths, its liege the Margrave housing a garrison of his soldiers at their castle. Although politically strong, its Hermetic library and mystical attributes are rather poor. They negotiated a trade of raw vis for silver with Rabenstein to draw strength from one another.

Magi of Pastoris ad Caelum Covenant:

Stesim Brotus of Arteman

Supreme of the Covenant, and the most famous scholar about Hermetic traditions and Egyptology. Of late he is resting on his laurels and taken an active role in leading the Covenant.

Umbro of Callimachus

Former member of House Tremere, this 'disappointment' now pursues eclectic applications of Hermetic forms, particularly those involving poetry, love, beauty, and artistic expression. Flippant about the disdain of his fellow House.

Aestrius of Mercere

The infamous Redcap (once demoted to "scribe's assistant" for fabricating messages). Aestrius has forged something of a friendship with several Magi at Rabenstein, and his fondness for ale is renown.

Iaxartes of Epebolus

Dark-robed, withered skin and bony man with little sense of humor.


Both Gustav of Merinita and Melnik of Epebolus (founding Magi of Rabenstein Covenant) apprenticed at this relatively weak Autumn covenant in the north of Germany (about 40 miles northeast of Cologne). Silistra was founded in the mid-10th Century as a bastion of House Flambeau, and was one of the first Hermetic Covenants in all of Saxony. But it has had a turbulent past, nearly falling in both the 11th and 12th centuries, and is no longer the sole domain of House Flambeau. Currently the Covenant is respected, but generally regarded as antiquated.

Due to the considerable distance between Austria and Saxony, little contact is maintained between Rabenstein and Silistra, despite their Hermetic connection. Further, Melnik estranged relations with his pater when he petitioned to join House Epebolus (rather than Flambeau, that of his master) after he passed his guantlet. Word has not yet been sent to Silistra of Melnik's disappearance in a faerie forest. Further, with Gustav's departure from the Covenant in 1207, once sturdy ties between Silistra and Rabenstein are feeble at best.

Magi of Silistra Covenant:

Laelianus of Quendalon

The pater of Gustav, an Animál specialist with a rather disreputable reputation, particularly within the Covenant (Laelianus takes little interest in politics or the mundane stature of Silistra). He made the journey to Mondsagen to enter the Cave of the Moonbeams during Gustav's apprenticeship, and hasn't been of sound mind since.

Imsos of Flambeau

The pater of Melnik, an aggressive Corpus specialist who excelled early in his career before reposing at Silistra and taking an interest in Hermetic politics. He stands to inherit the leadership of the Covenant once Castianira passes on...

Castianira of Trianoma

The leader of Silistra, a sultry woman who is reputed to abuse her charms to manipulate weak-willed Hermetic Magi.

Verini Vasates of Guernicus

Despite his training, his true passion is Hermetic magic theory, and at last report he was attempting to codify the laws of magic (he has also postulated about the mental capacities of elementals). He signed the Charter of Rabenstein at the Rhine Tribunal of 1202, legitimizing the Covenant. Verini is a middle-aged Italian who has never taken an interest in taking on an apprentice.

Alcippe of Criamon

A young French Magus, reputed to have a hot temper.

Somnium Maritima

A coastal Covenant in the Kingdom of Denmark. This once formidable Covenant has been rumored to have had recent difficulty with the rise of the Hanseatic League. Themisto of Criamon is its accepted supreme, but they did not attend the Rhine Tribunal of 1209 and have hence had no relations with Rabenstein. Their absence was news at the Tribunal (having never missed one previously, and belays the severity of their peril).


Transmarisca is a winter Covenant that overlooks the Rhine river, quite near to Burgundy. Since its Supreme Magus Severinus of Tytalus is the oldest Magi in the entire Tribunal of the Rhine, the regular Tribunal meetings are held at this Covenant (the last meeting was in 1209, and the next will occur in 1216).

TransmariscaFounded in the 11th Century, Transmarisca was once the mighty rival of Durenmar, the most powerful Covenant between Doissetep and the distant North Sea, but for the past century it has steadily faded in both its wealth and prestige. A decrepit mountain fortress, its political might has waned despite its role as host of the Rhine Tribunal meetings since 1181. Only three elder Magi remain, and recent attempts to infuse fresh blood by introducing young Magi have proven difficult (the Covenant's future after its elders die or enter twilight remains in jeapordy, although Sitalces of Transmarisca is renown for his powerful longevity potions, so they may remain to supervise the Covenant for several more decades).

Rabenstein attended their first Tribunal here in 1202.

Magi of Transmarisca Covenant:

Archmagus Severinus of House Tytalus

The oldest Magus in all of the Rhine, and Praeco of the Tribunal meetings that are held at this Covenant. He is a Certámen master, and known to detest both the Tremere and Avarret of Durenmar Covenant (Domus Magnus of House Bonisagus in the Black Forest). Although he is certainly near final twilight, he continues to persevere and oversee the Magi of Germany. Some bad feelings are harbored by Avarret, because were it not for the ruling of Chief Quaesitor Philodemus of Durenmar, he would be Praeco of the Rhine (Severinus is technically a few years younger than Avarret, but spent several years in a faerie regio). Severinus' enemies rumor that he lives this long due to demonic influence.

Sitalces of Verditius

An old Italian who purportedly makes the most potent longevity potions in the Order. Since Severinus serves as Praeco, he represents Transmarisca at the regular Tribunal meetings, holding the sigil of its other Magus, Odites of Jerbiton.


The scribe and librarian of Transmarisca, a gruesome old man undoubtedly kept alive by the potions of Sitalces. His right hand ends not in fingers, but in a quill, enabling him to write with the greatest of ease. Those unaccustomed to his unusual 'deformity' find it unsettling to spend time with him. Merento secured his services during a visit to the Covenant in 1203, and his petitions to clean the 'imperfections' from the feet of members of Rabenstein's delegation to the Tribunal of 1209 certainly did not endear Benedguz to the group. Benedeguz calls himself 'Durnst'.

Termieus of Flambeau

Young Italian Magus who joined to attempt to revitalize the site.

Giuseppé of Flambeau

Friend of Termieus.

Wenzel of Mercere

Though he claims membership to this Covenant, Wenzel has served dutifully for over 40 years, sustained by potions of Sitalces. Formerly living at the Covenant of Nusquam (which fell in 1178), he has since resided in Somnium Maritima and now Transmarisca (which he returns to more frequently as he ages and depends upon Sitalces).

Covenants of the Greater Alps Tribunal


This Bavarian Covenant is the Domus Magnus of House Jerbiton, high in the Austrian Alps in the Inn Valley, not far from the town of Innsbruck (lying south of the village of Imst and hidden from the valley far below). Manifested in an impressive old castle, Castellemare houses an impressive library and nearly 100 servants, but through the subtle machinations of its Magus lords, is not widely known or regarded within the Duchy. The monks of St. Norbert, a Premonstratensian monestary founded in 1128, were granted the entire Sill river valley to the south of Innsbruck by the Count of Andech (through the manipulation of Castellemare), and are known to have close ties to the Covenant.

Both the Lord (and Autocrat) of Rabenstein, Lady Enelle Hallinger, and the Magus Julian of Jerbiton trained here. One of the original and most powerful Covenants of the Greater Alps, its subtle influence stretches from Lombardy to Austria.

Magi of Castellemare, Domus Magnus of Jerbiton:

Pythodorus, Primus of Jerbiton

A Greek woman with a young countenance, the rising star of House Jerbiton (who ascended to her seat with the death of the previous Primus, Dytuss, in 1204 despite her lack of seniority). She has taken a course to expand the Covenant's Hermetic connections, and supports the Hohenstaufens in the current German conflict.

Stesim Brotus of Arteman

Perhaps the most knowledgeable Magus about the history of the Order and the traditions of Hermes Tristemegus. He bears an Egyptian staff from the Cult of Thoth, and is thought to hear voices others do not as a result of twilight. His presence at Castellemare is generally lauded by members of Jerbiton, who admire his intellect and devotion to Hermetic magic.

Jacob of House Jerbiton

The pater of Julian (a member of Rabenstein). This kindly old man is a powerful Mentem specialist, whose legendary tact as a diplomat hasn't tainted his humble demeanor. In recent years, he has rarely departed Castellemare, preferring instead the comforting halls of the fortress, and concentrating upon improving his grasp of Hermetic theories.

Nubes Fenestre

Window to the Clouds Covenant, located somewhere near Badgastein in the Tirol (and also a member of the Greater Alps Tribunal). Little is known about this autumn Covenant, but as the crow flies it might be the closest Hermetic stronghold to Rabenstein. Among local folk the Covenant is known by the name Valkensberg (for the craggy mountain upon which it is perched). Loretta of Strassburg was an apprentice at this Covenant before fleeing from her master and the Order, and she has grown close to some members of Rabenstein.

Approach to Nubes Fenestre'Window to the Clouds' Covenant, located in the Tirol near Badgastein at the summit of the Hocharn (a majestic peak in the Hohe Tauern not far from the Grossglockner). Founded by one of the original apprentices of Merinita, this venerable Autumn (or perhaps Winter) Covenant became a stronghold of Tytalus briefly before the disgrace of their House left it with no particular affiliation in the modern age. Among local folk the Covenant is known by the name Valkensberg (for the craggy mountain upon which it is perched). Its weathered walls are often shrouded within the Alpine clouds, over a thousand feet above the valley below. Julian of Rabenstein visited here in 1207 to deliver news of the death of one of its members.

The Covenant is led by its elder Autocrat and Librarian, Bethegund (a Hermetic apprentice who lost the Gift during his youth and has stayed on through the years). And its Magi have developed an unusual system of titles and duties which govern their life at the castle. Most of their nature remain unclear to non-members, but Julian ascertained that 'Master of Hawks,' for example (the title of Paternostro) places him as administrator of the Covenant's mundande defenses (and liason to the turb). Its turb is quite small, with perhaps only 15 aging grogs, though its advantageous position suggests that it will remain a stable Covenant for many more years to come. The arcane library of Nubes Fenestre is well organized and extensive, and the prosperous history of the Covenant is reflected by the wealthy accoutrements of its drafty halls.

Magi of Nubes Fenestre Covenant:

Bethegund (Keeper of the Seven Keys)

The eldest member of the Covenant. Though he lacks the Gift, the Magi treat him as an equal, and his grasp of Hermetic history is exceptional.

Guibert Les Andelys of Bonisagus (Vicar of Clouds)

The Supreme Magus of the Covenant, whose gentle temperment contrasts with the considerable power he wields.

Paternostro of Tytalus (Master of Hawks)

A frowning, stooped man with thick flowing hair. Although he stands in the shadow of his infamous master, Fransí Dar (a Certámen master who vanished searching for the kingdom of Prester John), he is the most well-known Magus of Nubes Fenestre to the folk of Rabenstein. Perhaps 50 years old, he is generally supportive of Rabenstein and has offered to assist them in the future.

Fredeberto of Tytalus (Steward of Chains)

This stern man is the former master of Loretta of Strassburg (he is believed to have dishonored the young woman and forced her to flee her apprenticeship). Also a pupil of Fransí Dar, and hence elder to his Hermetic brother Paternostro, he stands to inherit the reigns of the Covenant with the passing of Guibert.

Electra of Mercere (Mistress of Winds)

An ally of Fredeberto, this Redcap calls Nubes Fenestre home. She was known to be searching for the former apprentice Loretta.

Alesta of Merinita (Patron of Owls)

A reserved woman of about 40, this Terram specialist was raised in nearby Badgastein and has demonstrated little concern for Hermetic issues according to Paternostro (since she has not spoken directly with any of Rabenstein, her true demeanor remains a mystery so far).

Mnasitheus of Trianoma

This elder Magus is thought to have died in the village of Kalkstein in the eastern Tirol in 1204 (perhaps at the hands of a ruffian woodsman) along with his apprentice Sabine, whose spirit haunts a limestonge crag near the village (see the adventure summary The Lottery of Kalkstein).


The captain of the turb, this elder Italian formerly served the Dogé of Venicia, and the socii of Rabenstein, though impressed with his worldliness, were daunted by his odd demeanor.

Covenants of the Transylvanian Tribunal


This Covenant lies in the Transdanubian region of the Kingdom of Hungary, somewhere near Lake Balaton and the picturesque Kezthely Mountains (though its precise location is unknown to Rabenstein). The nearest representative of the Transylvanian Tribunal, its strengths and history are not yet clear to Rabenstein.

Although no direct contact has been established with Valcum at present, Rabenstein has been making inquiries about its stature ever since a disasterous encounter with an apprentice of Valcum (see the adventure summary Wings Across the Neusiedler See) in 1201. Hopefully Valcum never learned of Rabenstein's involvement in the death of their Magyar apprentice. Meinhard of Tytlaus, a Magus of Andernach Covenant, has sent several messages to the Rabenstein suggesting something unethical permeates the Magi of Valcum, if not sinister.

What Rabenstein has learned of Valcum:

The supreme of their Covenant is a French Tremere Magus named Chastangol, who leads several German and Italian wizards (about which little is known, although it is thought some of them descend from Houses Verditius, Umbricius, and Tremere). The grogs of Valcum are particularly unusual. In the few encouters with folk of Valcum, they were observed to be quiet, and grotesquely sewn together as if they were animated corpses (an old man's head perched upon a young man's body for example). Whether the grogs are living or dead flesh is unknown, but in either case the use of Mentem magics upon them is suspected. Also, the Covenant was founded sometime in the early 12th Century.

Magi of Valcum Covenant:

Sibiu of Bjornaer

The 'Jewish princess', a Greek woman with a calm demeanor and piercing eyes. Met near the village of Hegyeshalom (see The Path of St. Michael story summary), she seems well-educated with a composed grasp of Hermetic traditions for a Maga of her lineage.

Pirmin of Merinita

Squat, bearded wild Magus who was overmatched in a misunderstanding with an expedition from Rabenstein (see the adventure summary The Meerfrau of Lake Balaton). Well-versed in earth magics.


Unknown lineage. All that is known is his name and his appearance at the hot springs of Bad Gleichenberg each year (see the story The Pools of Bad Gleichenberg).

Covenants of the Roman Tribunal

Caverna Naturno

This Summer Covenant was founded in 1160 in northern Lombardy upon an ancient Roman site. Funded by mundane ties to the rising merchant trade, the Covenant was caught up within internal feuding of the Lombard League and nearly destroyed in 1189 (in fact for a period of 8 years the Covenant did not exist at all). A current small toll-house 3 miles from the original site represents the second incarnation of Caverna Naturno (the bulk of the Covenant now lies underground). While the original Covenant was quite visible in the valley, its present site and identity as the sanctuary of mystical astrologers is little known. In fact, many of the Covenfolk reside in the nearby village of Valstagna, and few are allowed within its magical center.

The most famous asset of the Covenant is its cyclical regio, which aids to shroud the Covenant. Thought to relate to the seasonal cycle, the regio effectively protects the Magi from intrusions by the burgeoning mercantile valley. Conversely, the regio fosters isolation from the necessities of the valley, and it may hinder the Covenant's attempt to reach a prosperous Autumn. The cavern was orignially simply a magical resource of the Covenant, but became the residence of its Magi after 1195. Merento of Rabenstein took sanctuary at Caverna Naturno in 1210, but led the dangerous Shawabti to the Covenant (several covenfolk were slain, and while the creature's ties to Merento and Rabenstein were never fully elucidated, a certain suspicion now exists among its Magi toward Merento).

Magi of Caverna Naturno:

Narses of Merenita

Confluent in the use of natural magics.

Adalaide of Tremere

Nominal leader and Autocrat of the Covenant.

Irene of Ex Miscellanea

This local hedge-witch was accepted into Caverna Naturno rather than treated as a rival. Afforded the protection of the Order, her knowedge of the cavern is well-respected.

Ignatios of Flambeau

Suspicious of Merento, particularly close to Adalaide.


The Domus Magnus of House Mercere, located in a stalwart fortress in the hills of Tuscany. Loretta of Jerbiton, ex Mercere, ex Tytalus, a friend to Rabenstein (and Cynric in particular) previously made her home here.

Isola Vulcano

This aging Covenant lies on a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, just north of Sicily. Founded in the late 11th Century, the Covenant blossomed into a prominent political force in the Tribunal but has languished in recent decades, slipping into Winter. The Norman conquest of Sicily hindered their tranquility, nearly drawing them into violations of the Hermetic Code (some say their rivals aspired to induce such a reaction), and only in recent years has a sense of order returned to the Covenant. Further endangering the Covenant, a former pupil of Isola Vulcano was recently found guilty of diabolism (Tremula of Bonisagus), and the Covenant is under the scrutinous eye of the Quaesitori.

Today the craggy fortress seems peaceful amidst flocks of sheep and their lazy shepherds. The castle lies in relative ruin, relying on its mountainous terrain and poor reputation to ward uninvited guests. Perhaps its isolation on the spartan island has extended the Covenant's longevity. The village of Porto Levante, a few miles below the fortress, harbors many Covenfolk, and some locals believe the strange sorcerers of the castle have died after all this time.

Merento of Bonisagus, a member of Rabenstein, apprenticed here, and his famous Trianoma master still officially claims Isola Vulcano as his home (though he is usually away at the court of Frederick, Prince of Romans). The Covenant is led by Methodius of Merenita.

Magi of Isola Vulcano:

Methodius of Merenita

Benevolant sorcerer and sage of the island.

Rahewin of Trianoma

Politically powerful master of Merento, whose ties to noble courts lend more to the intrigue of House Jerbiton than his lineage.

Bartolomaios of Verditius

Master alchemist and brewer of potions.

Lourdés of Bonisagus

Friend of Bartolomaios, well-respected for her grasp of Hermetic Theory. She abandoned a prestigious post at Doissetep Covenant in the Provençal to embrace a life of solitude here. Her pupil Tremula was executed for diabolic crimes against the Order, and suspicion has now fallen upon her.

Covenants of the Theban Tribunal


Although not the proper name of this Autumn Covenant, 'Constantinople' represents the wealthiest and most politically dominant Hermetic stronghold in all of Byzantium. It is said that the Covenant owns properties, even monasteries, throughout the town, and extends within catacombs sprawling under the city. Any Magi which visit the city must certainly negotiate the political will of their hosts. Reflecting its host city, Constantinople Covenant has struggled with the recent Venetian sack of the town (1204), and many of its Magi resent the Latinization of the region (both Venetian traders and the Roman Magi that accompany them). Rabenstein knows little about this powerful Covenant, but their animosity towards Epidavros Covenant (or at least their interest in Epidavros' library) has been established.


The legendary birthplace of Hermes, this venerable Covenant lies on the Isle of Crete, upon the summit of the highest mountain in the Pelloponnesus. Although the Covenant is not home to the eldest Magi in the isles (the Praeco), by tradition it remains the location of the quarternary Tribunals of Thebes due to its associations with Hermes. Site of the traditional Tribunal games, Cyllene is known to house several Seekers, though little of its lustre is known outside the Tribunal. A temple dedicated to Hermes stands near the Covenant, its yellowish stone purportedly built in the time of Socrates.


Epidavros is the Domus Magnus of the legendary House of Physicians, House Menecrates. Located upon the Isle of Nisyrós, just south of Kós in the Dodecanse near the Byzantine mainland, this Covenant is quite ancient, and its library houses ancient Arabic and Greek texts about medicine and the art of healing. Called the 'Temple of Epidavros' by locals, the site is now a stronghold of the Knights Hospitalers, whose black- and white-crossed flag adorns the aging fortress. Quaesitori have overlooked their presence so far, but the Magi at Epidavros are sensitive about the future role of these knights and the Latinization of the region.

Although the Magi of House Menecrates now practice Hermetic magic, the tradition of the healers of Epidavros dates back to the civilization of the ancient Greeks. In this era the doctors maintained a medical school on the neighboring Isle of Kós, and were called the 'priests of Asklepios' (after Asklepios, the son of Apollo). According to legend, so great was their medical skill that they raised a man from the dead, and in retribution for their deed Zeus (God) destroyed their temple with a mighty earthquake. Locals still call the Magi of Epidavros the 'priests of Asklepios' to this day, though seldom do they seek the guidance of these learned doctors at Nisyrós unless their sickness is quite grave, since the Covenant is a bastion of sickly folk. More commonly, peasants afflicted with sicknesses sacrifice a chicken at the ruins of Asklepios, and after sleeping in the temple they are granted a dream describing a means to heal their illness. The doctors of Epidavros are thought to be able to interpret these dreams.

The fortress of Epidavros itself lies inland on the southwestern side of the small island Nisyrós. An eclectic mixture of crumbling stone and lavish riches, the Covenant is famous for its beautiful Chamber of Tongues, an ivy-covered marble temple in which magic allows anyone within the room to converse freely in any language. Knights Hospitalers defend the fortress, and consider the doctors to be their sergeants (other magi consider the knights to be the servants of Epidavros). Many covenfolk acquired their posts after they were healed by the doctors. Nevertheless, the military might of Epidavros is rather weak. A volcanic sulferous bowl (the Covenant's vis source) lies a mile away along a rocky foot path.

The legendary art of healing, the Ars Medicorum, was adapted to Hermetic Magic by Bonisagus' pupil Sabbas, working with Menecrates himself here at Epidavros in the early 9th Century. Trianoma facilitated the subsequent inclusion of House Menecrates in the Order of Hermes, one of the few lineages to be admitted after the Founding (see Additional Houses in the House Rules).

Magi of Epidavros Covenant:

Chalcidius of Menecrates

The haggard old Primus of House Menecrates. Senile and near death, his body is covered with patches of smooth skin contrasted with patches of gnarled twisting folds.

Laertes of Menecrates

The Pater of Hecunah (King Samo, Master of Lepers).

Athanasius of Menecrates

Librarian of the Covenant, who cloisters secret medical texts.

Luciano of Menecrates

Pupil of Athanasius, this Mentem Specialist has taken a mundane wife, the stablehand Anna, and researches afflictions of the mind. Hopes to negotiate trading vis or spells for Rabenstein's precious Mentem vis.

Eugenia of Menecrates

Pupil of Chalcidius, who advocates healing by diet and herbs. Likely to succeed her Master as the next Primus of her lineage.

Epirus of Menecrates

Another pupil of Chalcidius, he advocates healing by infusions, chirurgy, and balancing the four humors.

Hugh of Bjornaer

Perhaps this disagreeable, wily English Magus can take the form of a porpoise.


The Domus Magnus of House Callimachus, a tradition of esoteric artists and craftsmen. Legends claim that the island upon which Perimella is located was once a beautiful girl adored by the god Achelous.

Pindus Prodidae

This winter Covenant is located on the Greek mainland in Parnasos, above the 'twin shining rocks', not far from the legendary Oracle of Delphi. Little is known about this Hermetic site, though the Magus Balsámon of Criamon is known to several Magi of Rabenstein, as he lost a bout in Certámen to Merento of Rabenstein on the Isle of Crete in 1210. Balsámon inferred that a clutch of Criamon seekers inhabited Pindus Prodidae.

Magi of Pindus Prodidae Covenant:

Balsámon of Criamon

A Seeker, with sprial tattoos adorning his bald head and a cryptic 'eye' drawn upon his palm.

Covenants of the Novgorod Tribunal

Zavet Stlupa Trina

Little is known of this far-flung Covenant, save its name (its Church Slavonic name means "Tower of Thorns Covenant") and that it is located in the Novgorod Tribunal within the Pripet Marshes (Cynric has indicated it lies between Pinsk and Turov in the Russian Principality of Turov-Pinsk). Cynric apparently made some move to join this Covenant but was denied membership for not fully disclosed reasons, and thus he pushed south to Kiev and west through the Carpathians to Styria.

Magi of Tower of Thorns Covenant:

Sigurd, filius Lanerte, of House Tytalus

The pater of Spitihnev of Lacrimare Saxum, this cruel and domineering man is apparently of Varangian (Viking) heritage, but little else is known of him. Rabenstein met him amidst the birches of Galicia during the story The Little Boy Everybody Wanted.

Zavet Vrkhina

The most powerful Covenant of the Novgorod Tribunal is perched upon Zamkov Hill (and hence the Slavonic name, meaning "Covenant of the Summit"), within the mighty walls of Kiev herself. The oldest covenant in Russian lands, it was founded by the Greek Maga Arianada of House Jerbiton in 968. The covenant consists of a stone manor house, the wooden Church of St. Vlas, and tall wooden walls with a couple of towers. It looks like any of the similar buildings owned by local boyars, and is plushly furnished and elaborately decorated. Small buildings are cloistered around the manor house; these are the homes of the many covenfolk. Caves extend below the manor house and sprawl beneath Kiev; it is said that inside these caves is the tomb of Svyatogor the Giant which provides the magic aura of the wizards' laboratories.

Purportedly this covenant long ago ingratiated themselves with the nobles and clergy of Kiev, and the splintering of Rus as prince fights prince is costing this Autumn covenant, now in danger of slipping into Winter as strife undoes their machinations. Several of Rabenstein's magi visited this covenant during the story The Little Boy Everybody Wanted.

Magi of the Covenant of the Summit:

Anatoly Petrovskij, House Jerbiton

He is the leader of the covenant and is both feared and respected throughout the Tribunal. Suave, persuasive and calm regardless of circumstances, he often has his way.

Boris Naumov "the Blackbeard", House Guernicus

A fierce but diplomatic man with little tolerance for law breakers, he is also feared throughout the Tribunal. Some in the Tribunal have criticized him for turning a blind eye to his own covenant's involvement in mundane affairs.

Relonira, House Mercere

A lovely woman from Byzantium who loves to tell long stories about each place she has visited. Her long black hair is wavy and shines with a healthy glow, and her face resembles a Greek goddess. Relonira is personable and likes to flirt with cultured and refined magi. She is a bit of a gossip.

Roland von Gummert, House Bonisagus

A quiet and studious man who reacts poorly to new circumstances. Well-known in the Rhine Tribunal for his magical aptitude.

Rashad Abd al-Jabbar, House Ex Miscellanea

A middle-aged Moorish astrologer and diviner whose mathematical abilities are unmatched. Now that chaos seems to envelop Kiev, his skills are turned to more frequently.

Radko Tibor, House Tremere

Apprenticed at Coeris, this middle-aged magus concerns himself with a network of spies he has cultivated throughout Kiev, Turov-Pinsk and Novgorod.

Mannis, House Bjornaer

A dutiful magus who spends much of his time alone. Rabenstein met him during the story Dredging up the Past.

Ekaterina Avratina, House Flambeau

Conforming to the stereotype of Flambeaux, Ekaterina favors casting the covenant's lot with the nobility and to embrace conflict when it comes. After the sacking of Kiev when she was but a girl, she has determined to destroy those threats to Kiev and their covenant.

Urande, House Verditius

Another woman from Byzantium who is well-known among members of her house for the fanastic creations she has made. Her wonders have been a large boon to the members of the covenant. It was she who fashioned the matroshki which the covenant presented as a gift to Rabenstein.

Yuri Kladenko, House Tremere

Yuri is a newcomer to the covenant but favors the peasantry and pagan beliefs when they are opposed to the Church and the nobility because he thinks he sees an opportunity to gain their favor; they will persist as nobles come and go.

Elena Porotskova, House Jerbiton

A charming woman who is not above using seduction to have her way. Her powers in Imáginem and Mentem are formidable.

Zavet Zemlisky Rany

Earthwound Covenant (as its Church Slavonic name is translated) is a Covenant of the Novgorod Tribunal located on the western banks of Lake Ilmen, just a few miles south of the impressive city of Novgorod. As of yet, this Covenant has had no direct contact with the distant Rabenstein. However, it was here that Cynric Ex Miscellanea entered apprenticeship, and the grogs Piotr and Tatyana hail from the town of Rusa just south of Lake Ilmen.

Magi of Earthwound Covenant:

Zhilandro Ex Miscellanea

This kindly old man, Cynric's pater, is the only Magus of Earthwound that Cynric has yet spoken of. He took Cynric from peasants of the village of Voronyozh and is known to have been particularly fond of nature and powerful in the Form of Animál.

This page last modified on 09-Jan-99.

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