Merento of House Bonisagus

It is rare that Merento departs the comforting walls of his sanctum at Rabenstein, so his chambers have a subtle charm and soothing ambience. The scent of lilacs wafts throughout the dim room, while a simple torch flickers from its scone on the north wall. Narrow windows stand open with their shutters cast outward, allowing the cool mountain air to gently blow within the warm room, fluttering a simple blue tapestry in the breeze. Upon the stained windowsill overlooking the river sits a shallow iron bowl containing bread crumbs and bits of smoked fish, which he leaves out for the ravens (much to his chagrin, other songbirds and forest rodents vie for the prize...if they avoid the magi's spiteful gaze).

Three oaken tables stand against the walls, the first cluttered with papers and metal tools, and the second with a collection of weathered tomes. The third table is elaborately covered with an intricate barrage of glassware and earthenware jars. On the south wall sits a dormant brazier, beside a mighty wooden trunk. Several light iron chains hang from circlets in the ceiling, with bowls and other containers suspended from them. Odd symbols adorn most of the vessels (an astute observer will discern that they are Greek), while some are stacked within the shelves of a tall pine cabinet. Adjacent to the recessed doorway on the western wall stands a simple hearth, its glowing coals and dwindling fire barely spilling into the room. Between the hearth and pine cabinet upon the floor sits a weathered old marble statue of a thin but muscular man making a sweeping gesture. This is the Roman god Janus, the initiator of time. A narrow spiral staircase descends in the corner to Merento's sleeping chambers below. Smooth stone floors stretch across the laboratory, with a plain woolen carpet situated near the window.


Merento's lab specialization is Auram (+2). His lab quality is -1.

Spell Foci and Miscellaneous Magical Effects

Within the numerous jars and bowls Merento stores a variety of items, each neatly labeled in Greek script. Some may serve as foci for his formulaic spells, while others are as yet untended. In addition to those componemts suspended in vessels by chains from the ceiling, several items are stored in a tall open-faced cabinet of pine wood.

Wand from the old oak tree
Raven's feathers
Silver ring (from Sir Goran's manor)
Jar of Silt
Bowl filled with rust filings
Mason's handtrowel
Roman mail (rusted, from Covenant cemetery)
Chunk of rock from the monestary Peresechen
Chunk of rock from the townhouse of Isola Vulcano in Venetia
Jar of olives from Sicily
Black rock from the entrance to Watchman's Grotto
Preserved figs
Human skull from the copse at Rabenstein
Brass ship's lantern from the Folio
Ashes from Shawabti wood
Water from the well of Unterzeiring Priory
Jar of seawater from the Aegean
Crumbled pebbles from the Lions of Crete
Vial of Merento's very own blood
Straw from the stable of Epidavros
Dirt from the Temple of Quirinus
Brick from the Amber Road
Bowls and cups bearing geometric Celtic designs


Merento places a high value upon proper decorum, and collects both fanciful garments and curious trinkets which may serve to accentuate his status as a prestigious magus of the Order. He carefully stores them within the a plain iron trunk.

Roman gladius (shortsword)
Red silk tunic with gold and blue braids (a gift from the Castellan of Graz)
Black-hooded Byzantine monastic habit
White Byzantine shepherd's tunic and mantle
Green woolen cloak of Rabenstein's turb
Red flowing robe emblazoned with the symbol of House Bonisagus
Red string (used to deliver parchments to Seckau Abbey)

Personal Library

Merento treasures the cataloguing of knowledge, and stores several tombs within his sanctum. He composed the libri questionum on magic theory himself, as part of his guantlet for House Bonisagus. While it formerly resided in the Covenant Library, he returned it to his sanctum some years ago and has neglected to return it, contemplating giving it to Seithinnin, the librarian of Durenmar.

Magic Items in Merento's Laboratory

Horns of the Thunderous Might - two black spiral horns from the Legionnaire's steed
Unwavering Torch of the Dutiful Scribe - a gift from Merento's pater Rahewin
Sapphire Pendant - an enchanted device that has the power to command the Rusalki. It harbors 4 pawns of Mentem vis, and 4 pawns of Rego. Seven more pawns of vis could be invested in the sapphire.
Needle of the Distant Voice - this iron needle wove the Tableau of the Stolen Glimpses

Hermetic Grimoire

Determent of the Dog's Bark (ReAn 10), Ill Temper of the Wild Mare (ReAn 15), Ensorcellment of the Alpine Slopes (CrAu 15), Talons of the Winds (MuAu 20), Summoning the Raven's Wind* (ReAu 25), Gift of the Buoyant Gosling (MuCo 15), Mighty Fling of the Menacing Knight (ReCo 20), Ward Against Faeries of the Dark Wood (ReHe 15), Candle of the Palm (CrIg 5), Blinding Cloud of Soot and Smoke (CrIg 10), Inscribing the Wizard's Sigil (CrIg 10), Pilum of Fire* (CrIg 20), Glade of the Peaceful Dove (MuMe 15), Legionnaire's Bulwark of Protection (CrTe 20), Glimpse of the Corpse (InTe 15), Origin of the Ancient Artifact (InTe 20), The Forgiving Earth (MuTe 10), Gentle Gift of the Mason's Hand (MuTe 20), Circle of Menacing Blades (ReTe 20), Levity of the Burdening Stones (ReTe 25).

*Mastered spells

Vis Supply

1 pawn of Auram (sheep's wool),
1 pawn of Animál (wolverine hide),
1 pawn of Animál (waxen seal),
1 pawn of Animál (claw), and
2 pawns of Mentem (sulferous powder).

Merento of House Bonisagus

Strength (weak back)
Dexterity (two left feet)
Stamina (tired legs)
Quickness (nimble fingers)
Intelligence (adept with languages)
Presence (gawking frame)
Perception (hidden trinkets)
Communication (sounding brave)
Virtues & Flaws: Hermetic Prestige +1, Powerful Master (Rahewin of Trianoma) +1, Inventive Genius +2, Excellent Education +2, Affinity With Wind +1, Magic Sensitivity +1, The Blatant Gift -1, Gangling Frame -2, Intolerant of Tytali Magi -2, Minor Magic Deficiency (halve all Herbam totals) -1, Driving Goal (Greek and Roman antiquities) -1, Sensitive to Disrespect -1
Abilities: Speak Latin (academic usage) 5, Scribe Latin (translating spells) 5, Speak Vulgar Italian (pronunciation) 4, Speak German (names) 4, Speak Greek (mythic terms) 3, Scribe Greek (translations) 3, Speak Magyar (pronunciation) 1, Speak Russian (Principality of Kiev) 1, Egyptian Heiroglyphics (Greek translations) 1, Philosophiae (metaphysics) 1, Artes Liberales (architecture) 2, Civil Law (investiture dispute) 1, Hermes Lore (pre-founding) 3, Hermetic Law (Roman Tribunal) 1, Magic Sensitivity (Roman magics) 4, Disputatio (Hermetic debates) 1, Intrigue (Rhine Tribunal) 2, Magic Theory (inventing spells) 8, Parma Magica (Auram) 5, Noble Ken (ghibbelines) 1, Guile (Quaesitori) 1, Awareness (in laboratory) 1, Finesse (Ignem) 3, Concentration (reading) 3, Legend Lore (Roman myths) 2, Steiermark Lore (roads) 1, Affinity with Wind (Rego) 4, Penetration (Vim) 1, Venicia Lore (glasswares) 1, Brawl (dodging) 1, Sacrificial Magic (binding spirits) 1, Storytelling (Rabenstein's history) 1, Certámen (Terram) 1
Merento of Bonisagus
Year Born
Age (in 1213 A.D.)
150 lbs.
Salt & Pepper
Twilight Points
Physical Description: Merento is tall (6'2") and lanky, with a gawking, unathletic frame (150 lbs.). He appears well-groomed and genteel. His hair was black, but has undertaken a distinguished, salt and pepper look, and his eyes are brown. He is right-handed.
Personality Traits: Single-minded (Roman milieu) +3, Paranoid (demons) +3, Hasty (perceive threats) +2, Honorable (proper decorum) +2, Cowardly (personal danger) +2, Elitist (the Order) 2, Bossy (in groups) 1, Manipulative (Hermetic politics) 1
Reputations: Obsessed with Roman Antiquity (House Bonisagus) 2, Prestigious (the Order) 3, Selfish (Rabenstein's Magi) 2, Sorcerer (Styrian Nobility) 1, Magus (covenfolk) 1
Magical Arts
*see deficiency
Soak: -2 Armor Worn: wool tabard
Single weapon

Background: Merento was the bastard son of a young village girl in southern Italy, conceived amidst the ruins of an old Roman temple. Due to his paltry frame and insipid demeanor, villagers were convinced the baby was cursed. Ridiculed by the supersitious villagers and discarded by his mother, the infant scraped out a miserable existence among the monks of St. Gabriel, who had taken an oath of poverty and took pity on the child, feeding and nurturing it through the cold winters. Malnourished and disheveled, he was saved from an early death by the Magus Rahewin of House Trianoma, whose custos often frequented the village and had relayed the tale of the strange boy to his master. Rahewin took the lad (at age 4) to his island covenant Insula Vulcano, near the banks of Sicily and saw to his tuteledge. Merento remembers not his original name (though he believes the monks christened him Sebastian), and adopted his Hermetic name from his master.

Having started his apprenticeship at an early age, Rahewin saw fit to teach the lad in many aspects of mundane knowledge before embarking on his arduous magical training. He displayed a knack for reading, and mastered both Latin and Greek before his 10th year. Despite this exceptional education and a suitable temperament to follow House Trianoma, Merento rebelled against his oft-away master during his teens, and pursued the very aspects of Hermetic Lore and research which eluded his successful politician pater. Further, his strange demeanor persisted as he grew older, inhibiting his mastery of the delicate art of diplomacy as taught by Rahewin. Following the example of fellow coven-member and friend Tremula of Bonisagus, Merento petitioned to join this well-respected house. Although this transition lengthened his apprenticeship, the perpetual student Merento's treatise on the effects of Roman auras assured his quick acceptance within Bonisagus. Rahewin bore no ill-will toward his pupil for this decision, and even used his influence to expediate his acceptance to Bonisagus.

After passing his gauntlet, Merento accompanied Rahewin to the north to pursue joining a Covenant in the Holy Roman Empire (wary of the malefic taint that malaised the overcrowded Roman tribunal). When he learned from the Domus Magnus of Jerbiton (Castellemare Covenant) that the new Austrian covenant of Rabenstein was to be situated upon the ruins of a Roman garrison, he determined to petition to join at once. Embraced by its Autocrat, Lady Enelle Hallinger von Braunschweig, Merento joined Rabenstein in the summer of 1196. With the departure of Gustav and Capra, Merento is currently the longest-tenured Magus of Rabenstein (arguments from the oft-absent Lassitor aside). Though the Covenant has no Supreme Magus, Merento fancies himself the voice of authority for the fledgling Covenant (as other Magi are primarily younger, and often away on expeditions as he remains stoic in his laboratory to supervise the Covenant's progress).

With the recent death and demonic taint of his old friend Tremula (as well as the appearances of Hlavka, sisters of the hill, knights of Graz, and demon of Unterzeiring Priory), Merento has become more reclusive and staunch in his desire to fortify the Covenant. He is currently drawing plans to construct a central keep (principia) within the restored Roman walls, and with the assistance of Lassitor and Cynric he hopes to complete the project before the Tribunal of 1216.

Merento and other members of Rabenstein: Merento respects any hint of authority or exquisite skill, and expects the same courtesy for himself (due to his prestigous lineage and respected master). He has placed his trust in the young Magi of Rabenstein, and despite recent turmoil he is rather optomistic about the Covenant's long journey out of spring. The eldest and best-educated Magus of Rabenstein, Merento has assumed the role of leader in all Hermetic matters and expects his voice to carry more weight accordingly (though he reveres Julian's political knack and might defer to his judgement). While Merento is not concerned if the other Magi disagree with him, he will recall any tone of disrespect in their debate.

Always the schemer, Merento envisions the other Magi embracing specific roles in the operation of the Covenant. He encourages them to be assertive in these imaginary, contrived roles, and feels uncomfortable when such roles begin to blur (as often occurs in these early years of the Covenant).

Julian Merento envisions as the Covenant's liason to the many nobles and ecclesiastical authorities of the Duchy. His lineage is worthy of respect, and his political skill is obviously far beyond his years. Although Merento was not initially bothered by Julian's closeness to these mundane authorities, he has begun to wonder where Julian's true loyalties lie. Still, of all the Magi of Rabenstein Merento values Julian as the most essential to facilitating their passage into Summer and Autumn.

Cynric remains a mystery to Merento, for although he possesses a talent for natural Auram and Terram magics (which Merento hopes to share with the young Russian), he seems too easily guided by his basal emotions. Swayed by the passing plight of mundane peasants and always babbling about revenge, Cynric seems to lack a proper sense of focus and a disciplined Hermetic perspective of their differing lives (to be expected from a member of his House). Then again, perhaps Merento has simply not discerned one in the Russian Magus. Perhaps the gentle Gift which allows him to interact with non-magical folk with ease will always hinder the young Russian. Once he and Merento move their labs within the Principia, perhaps they can become friends, for Merento respects the sense of honor and loyalty that Cynric has displayed, and hopes to earn this valuable gift. Merento hopes Cynric will continue to explore magics dealing with the forest and natural environment (particularly Herbam).

Lassitor is Merento's eldest comrade at the Covenant, but despite their lengthy past together, Merento doesn't understand the Criamon. While they share a strange demeanor, Lassitor's mannerisms and interests seem obtuse, and he recklessly embraces contact with magical creatures and places in the name of the Enigma. Certainly one so young and hasty is not ready to understand the Enigma. Recent talk of Lassitor returning to the Cave of Moonbeams concerns Merento for it is yet another hint of how willing the Criamon might be to imperil the Covenant for his own benefit. Merento hopes Lassitor will refine his sense of progress, for he is undoubtedly the Covenant's authority on faerie realms and his loss would be greatly felt.

Magda is unique to the Covenant, and if Capra is not to be a presence at Rabenstein then her role becomes particularly essential in assaying their Alpine environment. Though she suffered a poor upbringing and understands little of the Order, she does seem willing to learn and Merento hopes to maintain dialogues with her for many more years. Like many Bjornaer, her perspective is quite different from Merento, but this lends strength to Rabenstein, and Merento hopes to learn from her. Perhaps her lone-wolf nature will prevent her from truly embracing Rabenstein. Certainly her fighting prowess as a wolf is worthy of her membership, though it may hinder her magical progress.

Nicolaus is quite new to the Covenant, but Merento respects his Bonisagi lineage and believes the young Pole has considerable potential. He looks forward to learning more of Nicolaus' talents in the coming years once the Magus establishes a laboratory. During their expedition to Greece together, Merento realized that he and Nicolaus were more similar than any of the other Magi at Rabenstein. Perhaps they will grow to become friends. In fact, the Magi of that expedition, himself, Julian, and Nicolaus, seem to share a prosperous education and well-disciplined temperament, and for that reason Merento hopes to convince the Coveant to send they three as the envoy to future Tribunal meetings.

Capra once devoted himself to Rabenstein's founding and advancement, but now he seems obsessed with interpreting and adapting Magyar superstitions to Hermetic magic. Merento respects this endeavor, but hopes it does not ostracize the Bjornaer from Rabenstein or endanger his standing in the Order.

In the past Merento was the unabashed leader of the Covenant, and its folk would turn to him. But since the arrival of the gentle-Gifted Julian and Cynric to the Covenant the covenfolk generally take their concerns to them. Although Merento is glad for the cessation of ceaseless interruptions, he feels somewhat isolated from the covenfolk as a result. Consequently Merento embraces any covenfolk with unusual or mystical luster, such as Tatyana, Alexandra, and Lázsló. He attempts to encourage their participation and supports them when possible. Tatyana is a strange case, for she seems to raise the normally subdued ire of Julian, and foster the curious support of the emotional Cynric. Having advocated his admission to the Covenant, Merento supports the Brabancon sergeant Bertoul, though his violent temperament rather frightens Merento. Erik has steadily matured since he took a family, and Merento hopes to help the soldier become more magical with his potions, bringing him closer to the Magi.

It is Merento's fondest desire to facilitate Rabenstein's stability as soon as possible so that he may retire to his laboratory in earnest and explore his true Hermetic potential.

Illustration by Jason Buss.

This page last modified 5/11/98.

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