Cynric's sense of justice and righteousness has gotten him into more
than a couple of conflicts, and threaten to get him into many more (if he
lives, and can keep track of his swords).
Moreover, Cynric's "affinity with death" caused him to spend a
year and a half in what is officially termed "Surly Cynric"
mode, which did nothing to improve his temper (and instituting a phase
of Cynric turned Flambeau, it seems). To help us all recall exactly who
is on Cynric's list of people who need payback (or as it's written on my
character notes, "to be fucked"), I proudly present the following,
in no particular order of preference (Cynric figures they all got it coming):
Captured, thrown in the Hundeloch, then released
as too pathetic to bother with.
- Pisantes, vampire of Kalkstein (see the story The
Lottery of Kalkstein), who Cynric lit up like a Christmas tree with
a Pilum of Fire, but who I suspect lives on. Nobody turns
our grogs into undead minions who in turn bite the ears off good Russian
Orthodox brethren, and I mean nobody.
Blasted off a cliff face, presumed undead.
Captured, thrown in the Hundeloch, mysteriously
- The Lindwurm of Klagenfurt, also in on the kidnapping plot of
The Lindwurm of Klagenfurt
with Jaufré, Demél and Englebert, this
dragon ate Julian's horse...what nerve! Worst of all, he turned Lady Enelle
into one of his despricable servants!
- Deiopea, Primus of House Merinita and Supreme Magus of Irincillia
Covenant, a snotty bitch whose Covenant Cynric offered to assist in return
for voting for Rabenstein's admission to the Rhine Tribunal at the The Tribunal of 1209. She voted
against us, and therefore must be eliminated. But she is a babe.
- Anheta, kleptomaniacal member of Lacrimare
Saxum Covenant (which alone is reason enough for termination), doesn't
even have Deiopea's good looks and thus faces a bleak future as
one of Cynric's enemies.
- Pirmin, member of Valcum
Covenant (which again is already reason enough for termination), who Cynric
battled (in what I like to call "real Certámen") in the
story The Meerfrau of Lake Balaton.
Cynric spared his miserable life rather than face the Quaesitoris. Cynric
beat him again in battle, but it turned out to be Magda (see the story
The Morrigan)!
- Hlavka, mysterious seductress, who's messed with Tatyana several
times (real dumb move if you want to stay on Cynric's good side) and the
Covenant as a whole in the stories King
Samo, Master of Lepers, The
Siege of Oravsky Podzamok, Lorelei
of the Schützklamm Falls and The
Love Potion. Her death will be painful.
- Tibor, woodsman of Kalkstein, whose inflated view of his importance
is matched only by his overestimation of his power. Cynric had the pleasure
of busting him in the face (over Tatyana, no less, imagine that!) and later
burning down his poor old father's house with another well-placed Pilum
of Fire, but Tibor himself lives though he tried to sacrifice us to
Pisantes (see above) in the story The
Lottery of Kalkstein.
- Aelfrik, punk-ass kid who landed a very lucky blow (not quite
matching the roll of 117 which I managed 8/3/97 on, of course, a knowledge
roll) to KO Cynric when confronted in the story Springtime
is for Lovers.... He subsequently robbed Cynric (Cynric's now on sword
#4) and earned him a reputation as a "glass jaw" in Frohnleiten.
He'll pay. Oh, he'll pay.
- Gerard, Jaufré's buddy and yet another toad servant
of the Lindwurm who was in on the kidnapping plot of The
Lindwurm of Klagenfurt. Guess what? Payback's a bitch and you've got
it coming, my man.
- The Morrigan, Celtic goddess of war and pain in the ass. She
seems to have a problem with us living on top of the tombs of Celtic kings.
Anyway, Morrigan has messed with us many times (Brigands
of the Mür Valley, Morrigan
the Witch, With Friends
Like This... and The Morrigan)
and it's time she got what's coming to her. Cynric killed the poor girl's
body controlled by the Morrigan in this last story - for which the Morrigan
must pay. Morrigan won't have to use her 'inspire bloodlust' power next
time Cynric meets her. Like I'm scared of her because she's a goddess.
- Thursday Shawabti, the strange Egyptian automaton (one appeared
each day, hence the name) which wreaked havoc amidst Rabenstein's expedition
to Greece. To be fair, Cynric wasn't even there, but the bastard did skewer
Willibrond, a grog I made up. Didn't it realize how much of my heart and
soul I poured into that grog? Therefore, Cynric proclaims that he must
burn. Never mind the fact that it's already been destroyed by the rest
of the expedition. See, I told you he'd be taken care of.
- Fredebertus, depraved Tytalus of Nubes Fenestre Covenant, former
master of Loretta of Mercere. Now, it's bad enough to rape your apprentice,
but Cynric also happens to be in love with her now, so guess what? Powerful
Magus or not, Hermetic Code or not, the day will come when I violate you
with a little home cookin'!
This page last modified 4/23/98.
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