he following listing is meant to augment
the Form and Effect Bonuses Table (page 84) of the Ars Magica Fourth
Edition Rulebook.
+2 memory loss
+2 Prophecy
+3 Control Wind, +3 Ignite Fire
+3 healing skin afflictions
+5 Protection from Decomposition
+3 Ward Against Bad Dreams
+1 Ward Against Headaches
+1 Meditation
+3 Air
+5 Protection from storms
+7 Protection from venom
+7 versus drunkeness
+2 versus poison
+1 strong emotions
+3 Mental Healing
+2 Modesty
+2 Peace of Mind
+5 resistance to movement
+3 Stability, Security
(yellow-white flowers) +2 Aids in digestion
+3 Water, +1 Quick Thinking
white stems, +4 exorcising demons
+4 harm or destory animals
+7 turn into appropriate animal
+3 Diligence
+2 fertility, +2 strength and stamina, +3 leadership
+3 Sin, +2 Eternal Youth
+1 Leadership
+3 Ancient Knowledge
+7 protect wearer
+2 Aiming, +3 Direction
+3 Speed, +2 Impulse, +1 Menace
+2 cause dreams, +3 Flight,
+1 Breate Water, +2 Effect Water
+3 destroy wood, +2 cause fire
+2 Purification, +2 Humility
+1 Death
+2 Heal Paralysis
+2 Physical Protection
+4 Joy to the Dead
+4 Destory wood,
+3 Destroy Giant
+2 Establish Border
+1 Bring Lightning
+2 Slyness
+2 Greed
+5 Trapping things within, +3 Moving things into or out of
+4 healing wounds
+3 Cause depression
+4 preserve contents, +5 create food within,+3 create things within
+2 Draw Poison, +2 Calming
+5 Petrification
+3 Scrying, +5 affect liquids within
+3 Summon Demons
+3 Frighten Away Demons
+1 Lechery
+3 cause drunkeness
+2 Strength
+4 Endurance
+6 Affect sleep and dreams
+2 Wisdom, +1 Diligent
+3 Find Ghost by Following
+5 Warning
+2 Summon Supernatural Creature
+3 Drive Away Supernatural
+1 Avert Storms
+1 flying
+4 Create Wind, +5 Strengthen fire
+3 Affect Strength, +1 Chastity
+3 Water
+3 affect liquid within, +2 drunkeness
+1 Inspire Love, +3 Drive Away Evil Spirits
+4 Alienation
+2 affect user, +5 warmth
+6 attract evil creature
+4 Blood and wounds
+5 knowledge
+3 Hide things within, +4 protect things within
+5 affect walking
+5 Destroy things at a distance
+1 Beauty, +2 Leadership
+1 Ward Faeries
+3 cause winds, +5 cleaning,
+2 moving something, +3 flying
+3 Beauty
+3 Change or Transform
+4 produce light, +1 create fire
+3 See at Night
+3 Sobriety, +1 Moderation
+4 with Blood and wounds
(white flowers) +2 cause sleep
+2 Aphrodisiac
+3 affect vision
+3 versus malign Corpus,
+2 see in the dark, +1 Cruelty
+3 animal bonding
+3 Durable
+7 Strength
+4 Internal Dissention
+5 Slavery, +3 Imprisonment
+2 Defeat
+4 Detect poison within,
+5 transform/create liquid within
+5 protection from lust,
+2 affect loyalty of wearer
+2 Longevity
+3 Drive Away Evil Spirits
+2 Protection
+4 Invisiblity, +5 Seeing through something
+5 Alter/suppress wearer's image
+4 transform wearer
+3 flight
+4 Concealment
+3 Bring Good Luck
+4 induce greed, +4 wealth and mercantile
+6 control wearer
+7 affect hair, +5 beauty
+5 create or transform things within
+2 Peaceful, +1 Bring Luck
(seedlike fruit) +4 cure disease
+1 Nurturing Children,
+3 Raise Rivers
+2 Bring Flood
+3 Cause Pain
+1 Kindness
+4 Protection from Exhaustion or
+3 Thieving
+3 control people, +5 gain respect or authority, +2 wisdom
+3 protection against evil
+5 water-related power
+3 Burial, +1 Death
+2 Ward Evil Magics
+1 affect concentration
+3 betrayal, assassination, or power, +2 precise destruction
+3 Cure Blindness
+3 poison
+5 versus demons, +2 Light,
+3 Discerning the truth
+3 See Ghosts
+2 Loyalty, +1 Vigilance
+3 Laziness
+2 Fornication
+5 warding
+7 affect movement through
+5 magical transportation
+7 magical gates and portals
+3 Tenderness, +3 Love
+4 Aphrodesiac
+3 silence, +2 sleep
+4 inspire fear, +2 protection from fire, +3 greed and pride
+5 Deafening, +2 cause fear, +3 create storms and thunder
+5 Charm
+4 Knowledge of Ancient Treasure
+4 Justice
+3 Inspire Heroism
+5 affect hearing
+2 Resist Illness
+1 healing
+5 Strength, +1 Modesty
+4 Ward Demons
+5 Longevity
+7 snakes and dragonkind,
+4 incite love or lust
+2 Effect Royalty
+4 create or control winds, +4 banish weather phenomena
+5 Flight, +3 Lightness
(yellow flowers) +2 protection from spirits
+1 invisibility
+1 Good Health
+5 Sexual Intercourse
+3 Intoxication, +2 Heresy
+4 contain or protect from fire
+1 create light
+3 Fertility, +1 Good Luck
+6 The Deep Ocean
+2 Disaster, +1 Summon Demon
+3 Honor
+7 affect movement across
+3 Confusion and Uncertainty
+1 Summon Demons
+2 Protection from Evil Magic
+3 Cunning, Trickery
+4 Necromancy, +2 Fertility
+3 Truthfulness
+5 control children
+2 Solitude
+2 Protection from Spirits of Air
+2 protection from fear,
+4 exorcising a demon
+6 Age
+5 strength
+3 Beauty of Object
+4 affect things by touch,
+4 manipulation at a distance
+4 induce greed, +4 affect wealth
+3 inspire honor, +1 Produce Light
+2 Protection from Magic
+3 Protection Against Magic
+3 Ward Against Wood Faeries
+4 necromancy, the dead
+3 Gossip
+3 Solitude
+1 Aphrodesiac
+2 Flight
+3 Excess (particularly Lust)
+6 affect movement through, +3 magical transportation
+1 Manual Labor
+3 Speed, +1 Vigilence
+2 Insomnia
+4 affect image of self
+4 Vision
+4 Bad Luck/Curse
+3 divination (ie many Intellego), +3 affect fertility
+2 Speak with Beasts,
+1 Divine Direction
+7 create fire and heat,
+5 destroy things within
+3 cause rain,
+2 Protection from Curse
+4 protection from Rape
+3 Ward Hail
+6 affect wearer's sight, +4 affect wearer's mind and emotions
+4 poisons, +2 flying
+3 provoke spirits
+3 Lust
+3 Foolishness, +1 Panic
+4 prevent bleeding, +2 aid in physical combat
+3 Good Luck,
+2 Divine Weather
+2 Healing Wounds
+4 Loyalty to Family
+4 catch fish
+3 Open
Any Lock
+6 affect horse's movements, +2 warding
+2 Ward Misfortune
+7 timing and alarms, +3 increasing speed
+4 destroy the human body,
+3 destroy the human mind
+4 destroy the human body
+6 destroy the human mind
+5 destroy or control ghosts
+2 healing
+4 Restraint and Steadfastness
+1 Concentration, +2 Cold
(drawn continuously and uninterrupted) +7 Warding
+3 Deliver Message
+7 harm or repel faeries,
+2 protect wearer, +3 Strength
+ 8 Bind faeries
+3 Language
+4 Aquam, +2 Longlife, +1 Purity
+2 Wisdom, +1 Courage
+2 Inspire Lust
+1 versus demons
+4 transform self, +4 protect self, +2 move self
+3 darkness
+1 Captivity, +1 Immobilize
+3 Freedom
+3 Drive away Mountain Spirits
+2 Ascend
+1 Enter Trance
+5 Love
+7 produce light, +4 create fire
+5 Forgive a Murder
+2 protection from lightning
+2 Ending Guilt
+3 Victory
+2 Remember
+2 blood, +4 protection from disease
+4 Protection from Faeries
+1 Protection from Demons
+2 longevity
+2 Stasis
+3 Cause Hunger
+5 strength, courage, or pride
+3 Military Valor
+3 Sensual Love, +1 Justice
+1 Ward Lightning
+1 Virginity
+3 Innocence
+3 Regeneration
+3 Repulsion
+2 Vision
+4 Mental Alertness +2 Cleverness
+5 Establish Border
+5 affect music, +3 create sounds
+3 Talkativeness
+3 Discern Adultery
+3 Animal
+3 Fidelity, +3 the Sea
+1 Influence over water
+3 fertility, +4 death,
+3 Create Poison
+5 Affect Human Body
+7 Harm Human Body
+3 direction, +5 find something or someone
+7 disguise, +3 hiding,
+2 affect wearer's sight
+1 Contact Supernatural Creature
+2 Ward Against Evil Creatures
+5 reversal, +3 eloquence,
+2 speed, +1 Wealth
+3 Mercy
+3 Breath Water
+1 The Moon
+3 Long Life, Sexual Potency
+5 Produce Bread, +2 Justice
+3 Imagonem, +5 Scrying,
+3 seeing the past,
+1 see possible future
+3 create images within
+1 Entrapping a Spirit
+1 Protection from Demons and other Mystical Creatures
+3 Bad Luck
+5 cause emotions
-3 controlling emotions
-1 rationality
+3 healing, +2 protect human body
+3 Rejuvenation
+6 Cure Deafness, +3 Cure Fevers
+5 Grow Hair
+7 Divination
+5 Cure Madness
+5 Cure Toothache
+5 Piety
+2 protection from cold, +4 moon related
+1 Shrewdness, +1 Hiding
+3 Revenge
+2 Fertility
+1 Resilience
+4 affect speaking or breathing
+5 immobilization
+1 protection from demons
+3 Wakefulness
+3 Oratory
+5 Justice
+5 Sense of Smell
+5 Chastity
+2 Purity
+7 protection from storms,
+1 longevity
+3 Passage into Spirit World
+2 Control Earth, +1 Control Sky
+4 affect currents
+5 darkness, +3 Inner Knowledge
+3 Supernatural Powers
+3 Strength
+4 Peace, +3 Victory
+2 Heal Wounds
+5 Crying
+2 Cause Impotence
+4 death, +4 darkness,
+1 invisibility
+4 travel, +2 Loyalty
+7 Burn Something
+4 Wakefulness at Night
+5 revelry, +6 affect faerie emotions, +3 affect emotions
+5 Imitate
+3 Protection from Fever
+4 Dispel Evil Spirit
+5 Glory
+4 Penance, +1 Longevity
+2 Mourning
+5 eliminate or detect poisons
+2 Faith, +1 knowledge
+4 affect something on it
+4 Self-Denial or Self-Sacrafice
+6 summoning demons,
+3 protection from demons
+5 bind creature withinpentagram
+4 Protection from Storms at Sea
+2 Dignity
+1 Ward Against Disease
+3 Soothe Stomach Pains
+2 Strength, +1 Regeneration
+4 destroy stone
+3 induce greed, +1 Good Luck
+4 Cause Sleep, +3 Dreams
+5 Flight, +2 Aurum
+2 Ambition, +1 Energy
+5 Benefit Agriculture
+4 affect fires
+3 Fertility
+2 Impending Death, +1 Bad Luck
+5 invisibility, +3 see through illusions
+3 Produce Bread
+7 Scribing
+5 Vitality, +3 Strength
+1 Determination
+3 cause disease
+1 Summon Demon
+5 Cause Difficult Child Labor
+3 Wisdom
+1 Bring War, +2 Death,
+3 Curse
+3 Thieving
+2 constant effect
+4 versus demons
+2 Immunity to Poison
+3 Mending
+1 Stability, Endurance
+3 Healing, +5 Clairvoyance
+6 effect everything within at once, +4 create things within
+3 Protection from Nightmares
+7 Drive Away Demons at Night
+2 strangulation, +4 restraint or magical binding
+3 Rekindle a Love
+3 Virginity
+2 Death
+4 Protection from Lightning,
+3 Command Ghost
+3 Protection from Evil Spirits
+6 fire-related power, +3 affect blood, +4 leadership in war
+3 affect those upon it
+2 Bring Prosperity
+7 affect riding, +4 affect horse
+ (?) protection versus demons
+3 Protection from Heat,Fire
+5 Extinguish Fire
+3 reveal or destroy demons
+2 Preservation, +1 Barreness
+5 Heal Eyesight
+2 Healing,
+2 Dispel Evil Magic on a Person
+2 Knowledge
+2 versus malign Corporem
+5 Unbridled Lust
+3 Excess
+6 Justice
+4 Poison, +2 Logic
+2 the sea, +3 sea creatures
+1 Irritate
+3 versus infection and animal poison
+6 restraint or magical binding
+1 protection from evil
+3 Helplessness
+5 protection
+4 affect winds, +7 sailing
+1 Death
+3 Harm Vegetation
+10 harm lycanthropes,
+4 oratory
+6 enhance wearer's mind
+5 Female Domination
+3 Submission
+6 Slow Movement
+4 Heal Boils
+4 Old Age
+6 lying, +3 deception
+5 Poison
+4 move or destroy earth
+1 climbing
+3 Poison
+2 entrapping
+3 charm, +2 fly
+3 Protection from Snake Venom
+5 conjure and control occult entities
+7 Human Birth, +3 Longevity
+3 Meditation
+2 healing, +3 preserving,
+1 summoning demons
+3 divining truth
+4 Invisibility
+4 Male Sexual Potence
+4 Feminine Grace
+3 Noble Purity
+4 harm human and animal bodies
+3 block single attack
+4 Ward Vampires
+7 affect body,
+10 affect own skin
- 7 affect something by touch,
-10 affect something at a distance
+3 Conceive a Son
+3 Reverse an Evil Omen
+1 Lust
+2 Purification
+7 inspire listlessness
+10 sadness
+2 Control
+3 protection from faeries
+5 Poison
+5 Evil Necromancy
+4 Guarding Treasure
+3 Human Death
+4 Language
+2 Cure Toothache
+6 Create Human Form
+3 Procreation, +1 Vitality
+8 Prevent Conception
+4 strength, courage, and pride
+4 leadership
+5 controlling wild beasts
+4 Produce Light or Flame
+3 Wake Someone
+4 Regeneration, +2 Strength
+4 control children
+5 bravery, +2 Summoning Help
+4 Announce Enemies
+3 Free Slave
+2 Cause Sickness
+3 Natural Stability
+4 Longevity, +3 Immodesty
+3 Fertility
+5 Ward Hail, +1 Ward Evil
+5 Duality
+8 Purity, +4 Strength
+5 Modesty, +3 Virtue
+2 Summon a Fog
+4 ascendency over masses,
+7 sobriety
+3 Penance
+4 Intoxication, +1 Joy
+3 Inspire Madness
+3 warding demons,
+6 summoning demons,
+7 fertility
+5 Fertility, +2 Revelation
+3 Mental Bitterness
+4 destroy or control things at a distance, +3 project bolt or missile
+5 create liquid within
+2 keep something closed
+2 controlling wind, +4 direction, +6 predicting weather
+3 Passing Time
+4 control human or animal body, +5 induce fear in animals
+3 Enhance Water
+5 Purify Water
+3 effect imbiber, +6 cause drunkeness
+5 Deception
+3 Cruelty, +1 Greed
+4 Victory, +3 Immobilization
+3 protection from lycanthropes
+3 affect living wood, +4 affect dead wood
+4 Death, +3 Decay
+4 control wearer, +5 enhance strength of wearer
+3 protection from control, +3 raise a corpse
This page last modified 8/16/97.
Comments to madirishman@mad-irishman.net
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