agic, although a very powerful force,
is not omnipotent. There are certain natural laws to which it must conform
and certain limits that it may not exceed (at least, thus far). Many Magi
struggle to surpass the known limitations of magic, and anyone which succeeds
in exceeding one of these infamous limits shall be secured a place of honor
in the Order's history. Presented here is a concise alphabetical list of
the major laws and limits of Hermetic magic, codified by Bonisagus and the
other founders in the Dark Ages (some appear in 4th Edition rules, pages
67-68, while others are House Rules). Magi are taught this list during their
apprenticeship, and many Houses require them to be recited as part of their
Gauntlet (with the notable exception of House Bonisagus, which struggles
to surpass the laws and holds that acknowledgement of these 'temporary'
limits enslaves them to the limits).
The four humors of the human body, phlegm, blood, bile, and black bile (which reflect the cold and moist, hot and moist, hot and dry, and cold and dry aspects of the body respectively), must remain in balance to maintain good health. An excess or deficiency of any single humor may invite poor health or possession by a foreign spirit.
Magic cannot affect a distant or unseen target without the use of an arcane connection to the specific target. Such connections must be valid, and most are not permanent.
By touching a spirit (or other intelligent entity, including demons), it is possible to 'become' that particular spirit, utilizing its powers. However, such unification of identities (also referred to as 'possession') may be difficult to reconcile or ultimately reverse, as once such a link is established the spirit may make use of the connection to suit its own ends, and particularly strong spirits may subsume the identity of the magus practitioner altogether.
Once whole, always whole (things that were once in contact with each other may continue to interact after their separation). This law is manifested in Hermetic magic with the use of arcane connections. Emphasis is on objects or people that have been in physical contact, for example fingernails or hair. But, such connections are only viable until the person to which they are connected cuts their hair or fingernails again (i.e., a lock of hair from a 16-year old lad will not prove effective when the boy is a 21-year old man). When a more durable connection is desired, blood is preferred, as it retains its connection to the target indefinitely. See the Limit of Arcane Connections and Erosion of Arcane Associations for more about their use.
Magic cannot create or alter anything permanently without the expenditure of pure magical energy (such energy has been categorized by Bonisagus and is termed 'vis' or 'colour', and is normally associated with either the 15 Hermetic Techniques & Forms or a specific lineage of magic). Further, vis cannot be created by magic, and the mystical association of any vis employed in Hermetic magics must conform to some degree with the nature of its intended use (e.g., Aquam, Terram, or Muto vis must be used to power a spell designed to transform water into stone).
No magic can overcome the power of the Highest Divinity or the deceptions of demonic powers. This includes affecting the result of a miracle, the manipulation of the mind or body of someone buried in piety by the Church, altering someone's true faith, detecting the presence or illusions of a demon, or the purposes of such illusions.
When an arcane connection is employed in the casting of a spell, a small portion of the connection is permanently eroded by the spell and rendered useless (the nature of such erosion depends on connection's physical manifestation). For example, fingernails may crumble to dust, or blood may dry-up. The quantity of the arcane connection that erodes and number of spells that may be cast from a particular connection before it is destroyed depends upon the physical manifestation of the source, and a Finesse roll by the Magus practitioner (e.g., a Storyguide may rule that a small pool of dried blood is sufficient to facilitate the casting of up to 3 Hermetic spells, formulaic or spontaneous, but each time a Magus employs the blood in one of her spells she must make a Finesse roll with an ease factor set by the Storyguide). If a Magus botches this roll, the arcane connection is likely ruined or destroyed prematurely.
It is impossible to alter or determine something's essential nature. This concept encompasses the ability to halt or reverse natural aging, perceive the machinations of a demon, and in game terms the revocation of Twilight or Decrepitude Points, the Heart-Shape of a Bjornaer Magus, or the creation or destruction of any supernatural aura.
Our mundane, human senses (i.e., sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing) are only capable of revealing part of true reality. Although it may be possible to extend and modify these senses with magic, they are still ultimately bound by these constraints and remain imperfect.
An unbroken circle drawn into the ground inscribing the Magus can serve to protect the Magus (who remains standing within it) by preventing an entity from entering the area denoted by the circle. Stepping across the circle boundary or distrubing its integrity breaks its power. Pentagrams are perhaps the best known of these circles, drawn to protect the magus from malicious demons, which are often summoned by implementation of the Law of Names.
Magic cannot affect anything above or including the lunar sphere (the 'high' air). Magic is always limited to manipulations of the middle and lower air.
Knowing the true name of a phenomenon or entity gives you control over it. This Law is particularly associated with demons and their ilk. A subset of this law, the Law of Words, expands this concept to include those words which are able to change and influence particular inanimate objects, plants, and places. Such words are often closely guarded secrets by ancient and powerful creatures and faeries.
The behavior or natural creatures, objects, or phenomena will persist according to their inherent temperament without the direct influence of subverting magics. The Law is important because it applies even if the natural form was conjured or summoned with magic (e.g., flames will burn and wolves will hunt and eat, each according to their own nature, even if they are magically conjured, and these effects will persist after the magic that created them subsides).
It is impossible to affect an immortal soul with magic (e.g., influencing the destination of someone's soul after death, creating true human life, or resurrecting the dead).
That which seems alike, is alike. Hermetic Magi often make use of this law, manifested in the use of spell foci (e.g., using a bird's feather to invoke flight, or snapping a bone to cause someone's arm to break).
Magic cannot alter the passage of time, nor can it affect anything in the past (though it may be possible to view the past). The only manner in which magic can affect the future is by making changes in the present.
This page last modified on 8/28/97.
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