he visiting maga of Doissetep Covenant
is still a mystery to the members of Rabenstein. She seems to be a dedicated
healer who focuses on naught but her Ars Medicorum and her experiments.
What is known of her appears below.
Melete, as a visiting Maga to Rabenstein, has no laboratory.
Trap of Entwining Vines (CrHe15), Probe of Nature's Hidden Lore (InHe15), Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 15), Fragile Image of the Painted Statue (CrIm5), Fanciful Tongue of the Jongleur (MuIm10), Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm15), Guiding Hand of the Artist (MuTe 10), Invisible Hand of the Thief (ReTe15), Scales of Power (InVi 15), Gather the Essence of the Beast (MuVi 15)
Swathing the Bloody Wound (CrCo10), Soothing Touch of Askulepius (CrCo20), Restoration of the Defiled Body (CrCo25), Curse of the Ill Humors (ReCo10), Ward Against Ill Humors (ReCo10)
Meléte of Menecrates | |||||||||
Strength (skinny) | -2 |
Dexterity (nimble fingers) | +1 | ||||||
Stamina | 0 |
Quickness (methodical) | -1 | ||||||
Intelligence (well-read) | +3 |
Presence (masculine) | -2 | ||||||
Perception (self-absorbed) | -1 |
Communication (covenfolk) | +2 | ||||||
Virtues & Flaws: Patient +1, Passion to Sustain Life +1, Unintimidated by Magic or Magi +1, Medico +1, Herbalism +1, Magister Arbitus +3, Side Effect (feminine appearance when in magical aura or casting spells) +2, Sheltered Upbringing -2, Delusion (that her sculpture is quite good) -1, Afraid of Flambeaux -2, Driving Goal (to create true human life) -1, Single Task Oriented -2, Incompatible Arts (Perdo Corpus) -1, Brooding over past Failure (no confidence points may be invested in attempts to heal) -1 | |||||||||
Abilities: Speak Latin (Hermetic terms) 5, Scribe Latin (academic) 3, Speak Provencal (bargaining) 4, Speak German (pronunciation) 2, Scribe Greek (medical terms) 2, Magic Theory (potions) 4, Ars Medicorum (anatomie) 4, Herbarii (antidotes) 4, Chirurgy (bind wounds) 2, Hermes Lore (House Callimachus) 1, Hermetic Law (Tribunal procedures) 1, Parma Magica (Ignem) 3, Certámen (Imáginem) 2, Concentration (reading) 1, Finesse (Creo) 2, Provence Lore (Marseilles) 1, Sculpt Stone (human form) 1, Artes Liberales (logic) 3, Diputatio (debate) 2, Lectio (medico) 1, Disguise (being male) 2, Guile (being male) 1, Swim (warm ocean) 1, Steiermark Lore (Graz) 1 | |||||||||
Year Born | 1181 | |||||||
Age (in 1214 A.D.) | 33 | ||||||||
Decrepitude | 0 | ||||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||||
Size | 0 | ||||||||
Height | 5'8" | ||||||||
Weight | 120 lbs. | ||||||||
Hair | Light Brown | ||||||||
Eyes | ? | ||||||||
Handedness | Left | ||||||||
Twilight Points | 0 | ||||||||
Physical Description: Tall and gangly | |||||||||
Personality Traits: Focused (task at hand) +3, Passionate (to sustain life) +2, Sensitive to Criticism (sculpture) -2, Patient (covenfolk) +2 | |||||||||
Reputations: Doctor (the Order of Hermes) +3 | |||||||||
Magical Arts | |||||||||
Creo | 8 |
Animál | 2 |
Ignem | 0 | ||||
Intéllego | 6 |
Aquam | 0 |
Imáginem | 6 | ||||
Muto | 2 |
Auram | 0 |
Mentem | 4 | ||||
Perdo | 0 |
Corpus | 7 |
Terram | 3 | ||||
Rego | 5 |
Herbam | 2 |
Vim | 2 | ||||
Soak: | Armor Worn: | ||||||||
Skill |
Weapon |
Scr |
Init |
Atk |
Dfn |
Dam |
Fat | ||
Illustration by Jason Buss.
This page last modified 4/23/98.
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