Participants in the Rabenstein Saga, past and present:
Jason Buss - Alpha Storyguide and driving force behind the Saga. Sweet-tea
snorting cross-country stomping piano-tinkering Libertarian. Former career
musician, releasing two international albums as the touring pop wonders
'Two Pound Planet' before donning parachute pants and safety-dancing his
way to the bank with 'The Breakfast Club' (he still occasionally performs
with 'Absolute 80s' to rekindle the memories and torment the troupe). Has
a B.A. in History from Wake Forest
University. Currently a post-baccalaureate science
guru at UNC where he works in the Cystic Fibrosis Center. His Magus character
is the oft-despised bookworm and misunderstood coward, Merento
of Bonisagus. Phone Number: (919)
493-8825; Email:
Chris Blake -
Epsilon Storyguide and the last of the original players. He is currently
living with Ann, and according to her, he's working too much. The lizard
and the fish have died, but the dogs (Buick and Sasha) are doing fine. Chris
hopes to get a snake soon, and perhaps a free weekend to go camping. His
current Magus character is Tobias of Tremere;
his old Magus character is Lassitor
of Criamon; Sir Erik von Malmö, the Miles,
is his Companion. Phone Number: (919) 319-0439;
Michael J. Daumen - Zeta Storyguide. Mike (or "Misha" as Pat knows him) began play with the masters of Rabenstein in July of 1997, having caught up with Pat (and Jen) Murphy after a stay in Vanderbilt's Russian Hall. After receiving his J.D. from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1993, he has joined the bars of Wisconsin, New York and North Carolina. In 1995 he was whisked from his native Buffalo to the Triangle via the good fortune of his pedatrician wife, Rebecca. Time away from Rabenstein is mostly spent in a solo law practice in residential real estate, although Mike expects his newborn (3/19/98) daughter Natalie to make a lasting dent in his schedule. Mike's Magus character is Nicolaus of Arteman, and one day he might get around to making up a companion. Phone Number: (919) 544-9703; Email:
Ann Harper - Delta Storyguide.
Ann is a childhood friend of Jason's from Winston-Salem.
(By way of explaining just why she got roped into this madness.) She graduated
Meredith College
with a BA in International Studies in '87 and then in '95 earned Certification
in Paralegal Studies. Veteran of a Foreign War (Desert Storm) and also of
the arduous Girl Scout Leadership Course for Junior Girl Scouts, she enjoys
using all of her skills to warp young minds. (Now girls, did you know that
it only takes 15 lbs. of pressure to rip off the human ear?) When not enjoying
her free time she works 9-5:30 shoring up the booming careers of two lawyers
and slaving as the Office Manager and Computer Nerd for a growing law firm
in Cary. Currently playing house with Chris, two dogs, a beta fish, and
an iguana. Her Maga character is Magda
of Bjornaer and her companion character is Alexandra. Phone Number:
(919) 319-0439; Email:
Kendall Miles
- Beta Storyguide. His Magus character is Julian
of Jerbiton and his companion character is the sergeant Bertoul. Phone
Number: 380-0329; Email:
Patrick Murphy -
Gamma Storyguide and the grand master of the web pages. Resident hillbilly,
Macintosh Nazi, jarhead wannabe, polyglot and champion drinker of fine Irish
beers (though Pabst Blue Ribbon will work too). A current doctoral candidate
in the Department of Linguistics at the University
of North Carolina, he has an M.A. in Linguistics from UNC ('95) and
a B.S. in Russian from Vanderbilt
('92); he works as both a linguistics teaching assistant and as a technical
trainer with Academic Technology and Networks
at the university. Married to lovely wife Jennifer and proud father of two
cats, Iris and Maha. His Magus is the Pilum-throwing Cynric
Ex Miscellanea and his companion character was the preachy Brother Meshach,
now martyred in the tradition of Ss. Boris and Gleb. Phone Number:
(919) 968-7605; Email:,
Blythe Newton
- Blythe plays the Magus Melete of Menecrates and the fiery socia
Tatyana Ivanovna. Phone Number: -; Email:
Magus | Player | Phone Number(s) | E-mail Address |
Aurora* |
Kathy Solace |
Capra | Dallas Perry |
Gustav | Christian Young |
(910) 727-4634 |
Melnik | Mike Provenzano |
Merento |
(910) 727-4634 |
This page last modified on 6/14/98.
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