character's Reputation score is added
(or subtracted - whichever is appropriate) to any rolls pertinant to the
specific Reputation in a scene. For example, if a soldier has the reputation
"disgrace" among his fellow soldiers, then any communication rolls
he makes in dealing with his fellow soldiers suffers a penalty equal to
his Reputation score. This rule may also apply to physical actions. For
example, if a Magus has the reputation "people tend to die around him"
among the Covenant grogs, and his custos de jour becomes embroiled
in a dangerous melee just a few paces away, the Storyguide may choose to
apply this Reputation as a bonus or penalty to cause serious harm (preferably
death) to the poor grog. Specifically, let's say the Reputation score is
2, then the grog may suffer -2 on his Soak rolls during the scene.
Note that this rule only applies to situations in which the Reputation's focus is involved. The focus of a reputation denotes which group of people a reputation affects, and does not infer an additional bonus (as do ability specialties).
For example:
Reputation | Focus |
Kind-hearted | Peasants |
People tend to die around him | Grogs |
Disobedient | Covenant Magi |
Normally reputations only apply to their specific focus, which is why a character may have several reputations among different groups. Only one reputation per focus may exist at a time.
Hence, the soldier mentioned in the above example would suffer no such communication penalty in dealing with a focus group with which he has no reputation (i.e., a priest or farmer), however he may gain a new reputation that may come into play with this new focus group.
Reputation 'Experience' is awarded separately from the storyguide as events warrant in the saga, and may lead to increased, decreased, or new reputations and scores relative to each focus; i.e., the 'Kind-hearted' reputation score of 1 may be replaced with the new reputation of 'Moody' if the character accumulates 2 reputation experience points towards this change. It is not really necessary to keep careful calculations of such 'reputation experience points', as they are merely a tool for measuring a character's relative reputation, and may bog down lively roleplay. They are merely intended as a general guide, and to serve as notes for future reference when dealing with possible changes in a character's reputation.
We endorse a brief discussion and vote among the troupe when awarding new reputations.
This page last modified 1/27/97.
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