ou stand near an entrance in the caves
and are not sure if there is anyone about. The smell doesn't seem as sulfurous
when you point your nose in that direction. Is that a spring rain you smell?
Curious, you shout into the gloom. "Come," replies a husky voice.
After winding along a narrow passage which is hardly large enough for a grown human body, you enter into a large square room. Obviously, much care and attention has gone into the creation of the room. There is a large table, simply made along the far wall. The light comes from a torch which is cleanly burning in a sconce over the table. There seem to be several pottery bowls on the table and various items scattered on its surface. As you walk across the room you notice that the walls and floor are regular and smooth, and the smell of sulphur is completely gone. In fact, a cool breeze seems to be circulating throughout the chamber. The headache you had from the caves seems to vanish.
"Ah, you dislike the smell as much as I do." Turning back to the entrance you are greeted by the sight of a slight woman with wild, curly and very long black hair stepping from a niche in the wall, by the door which you did not notice when you entered. She is dressed in simple black clothing and you might have mistake her for a nun of some order of poverty. As she looks you in the eyes you are startled by the strangest bright yellow eyes. The only thought that comes to mind is feral. As she bestows a wide toothy smile upon you she murmurs, "Come now, friend, I don't bite...much."
Magda has been granted use of fellow Bjornaer Capra's laboratory while he is away indefinitely in Hungary (general lab quality 0, basic lab total +7). Contained therein are:
Mended Tear (CrAn 5/+8), Purity of the Spring Rain (MuAn 5/+5), Voice for the Bjornaer (MuAn 20/+5), Chamber of Spring Breezes* (CrAu 10/+12), Circling Winds of Protection (ReAu 20/+12), Swathing the Body Wound (CrCo 5/+8), The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+12), Form of the Avenging Beast (MuCo 20/+9), Smashing the Bones of the Hands (PeCo 15/+9), Wall of Thorns (CrHe 20/+12), Rendering of Plants Edible and Nourishing (MuHe 25/+8), Coils of the Entangling Plants (ReHe 20/+12).
*Mastered spells
Magda of House Bjornaer | |||||||||
Strength (small frame) | -1 |
Dexterity (dancing) | +3 | ||||||
Stamina | 0 |
Quickness (forest) | +2 | ||||||
Intelligence | +2 |
Presence (yellow eyes) | -2 | ||||||
Perception | 0 |
Communication (blatant Gift) | -2 | ||||||
Virtues & Flaws: Fear of Crowds -1, Hedge Wizard -1, Poor Reader -3, Enemies -1, Cursed (infertility) -1, Compulsion (to eat children in wolf form) -2 | |||||||||
Abilities: Speak German 3, Speak Latin 5, Scribe Latin 3, Magic Theory 5, Hermes Lore (Bjornaer) 2, Hermetic History 1, Legerdemain (pick pocket) 1, Brawl (dodge) 1 [as wolf +5], Dancing (spontaneous) 3, Cooking 1, Stealth (forest) 3, Forestry 2, Hunting (forest) 2, Survival (forest) 2, Will Over Form 4, Awareness (forest) 3, Nature Tongue (Bulgar) 4, Parma Magica 3, Herbalism (Creo) 1, Second Sight 2, Finesse 3, Chirurgy 2, Noble Ken (Intrigue) 1, Faerie Lore (mountains) 1, Independent Magic 2, Hermetic Law 1 | |||||||||
Year Born | 1179 | |||||||
Age (in 1212 A.D.) | 33 | ||||||||
Decrepitude | 0 | ||||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||||
Size | 0 | ||||||||
Height | 5'4" | ||||||||
Weight | 106 lbs. | ||||||||
Hair | Black | ||||||||
Eyes | Yellow | ||||||||
Handedness | Right | ||||||||
Twilight Points | 0 | ||||||||
Physical Description: Very fine boned and small-framed. Quite thin. Long, thick black hair which is usually wildly curly and unbrushed. Eerie yellow eyes mark her as different. Magda is 5'4" tall and weighs 106 pounds, and is right-handed. | |||||||||
Personality Traits: Easily Flustered (people), Ill at Ease (children), Stand-offish | |||||||||
Reputations: Gypsy (Bulgaria) 1, Child Mauler 2, Werewolf (Covenfolk) 1 | |||||||||
Magical Arts | |||||||||
Creo | 6 |
Animál | 2 |
Ignem | 0 | ||||
Intéllego | 3 |
Aquam | 2 |
Imáginem | 2 | ||||
Muto | 7 |
Auram | 6 |
Mentem | 5 | ||||
Perdo | 3 |
Corpus | 6 |
Terram | 6 | ||||
Rego | 6 |
Herbam | 6 |
Vim | 2 | ||||
Soak: +0 (+5 as wolf) | Armor Worn: none | ||||||||
Skill |
Weapon |
Scr |
Init |
Atk |
Dfn |
Dam |
Fat | ||
Brawling | bite (as wolf) |
1 |
+3 |
+5 |
+5 |
+6 |
+4 |
Background: Magda was born to a poor family in a poor village in mountainous Bulgaria. Her people had heard little of the gods that other people seemed to think were so important and their only nod to any higher power was to the forces of nature which were always against them. There is little of the political or religious in her although she seems to revere the forest.
Avoidance, ridicule, and torture for her appearance was the daily fare for the child. Always on edge from the way she was treated she found herself out of control as she reached puberty. During that time, which is a struggle for any child, she found herself changing in more than just the usual ways. Apparently her parents knew that something of the sort would happen for they warily looked at her and kept their younger children close to hand. On one fateful morning Magda was alone at the river with her young sibling, Vas. She was unable to control herself as the change from girl to wolf overtook her. Frightened and horrified she turned on her brother and savagely mauled his leg. Some sense came to her before she killed young Vas and she ran away into the forest.
Days later she was still haunting the forest about the village avoiding the hunting party that was searching for her. It was then that she came upon the hut of her Uncle Vanya. He was sitting where he always sat, upon the log by the doorway, whittling and singing of the seasons. He looked up at the gaunt and starving wolf and smiled, "Magda, would you please take your human form so that we might talk."
Thus began her years of study and asylum. Her uncle sheltered her and taught her. She caught on to the rhythms of spoken Latin with astonishing adeptness. There were not many books at hand and Magda, never quite able to grasp the script, preferred to learn from example and tutoring. Vanya told her of the Order and her House only to a very small degree and she understood little of intra-House politics. Indeed, the idea of other groups of Magi who could not change form was difficult for her to conceive. It seemed that there was some serious reason that he was not a real part of the greater group, but he never would speak of it. Many years later, when she met the Primus of Bjornaer, she would gain some insight. By then, it was too late for Vanya.
She found him propped up by a tree bleeding his life away. He pulled her close and with his last breath croaked out directions to a far away place called Rabenstein. Capra was her only hope. Find Capra. Find Capra.
Her life shattered, and unable to return to her people she made her way north and west. Traveling alone, she lived off the land stealing clothing and food as she needed. Many times she was chased from villages with cries of 'gypsy' and 'witch' ringing in her ears. During the three weary years of her journey she learned to communicate in German but she always had a thick and unsophisticated accent.
When at last she reached the gates of Rabenstein (such as they were) she was tired and mistrustful. Merento and Julian greeted her and allowed her to stay. But Capra was not to be found. As time passed she learned that there was much to be gained from living with a group of Magi who had loyalty to one another. No one was overtly disturbed by her and indeed, as she lent her hand to difficult adventures there was some respect. There did seem to be some little stir at the incident with the nobles, but they tried to touch our vis. Too bad for them....
Magda and other members of Rabenstein: As for the socii...it matters little what our opinons of one another might be. Life is fleeting and too short for such considerations. But then again, the others always seem to think that Magda is quick to act and thinks very little about her actions. She has no friends as such among the covenfolk except for Tatyana and they all seem to think that she is some sort of werewolf and will eat them if the thought pleases her. Not true, but there are those times when the children are just a little too close for comfort...
Julian is an enigma to her. Politics and appearances matter not at all to Magda and although she has tried to learn from Julian she sees his ways as a grand job of acting. When teamed though, the combination of offense and defense seems to work for all their apparent lack of appreciation for the ways of other.
Magda admires Lassitor's dogged approach to research. They got on well when they created a spell together for use by the Covenant in building its walls. His search for understanding of the elusive is familiar to Magda and she is comforted by his presence in the caves.
Merento's vast knowledge is obvious to Magda and she greatly respects him for it. However, there is something untrustworthy about a mage who will just fly off in the middle of a battle...
Cynric is the sort of company that will keep Magda in the Covenant. A truly patient and capable man with the open nature that Magda appreciates most (in spite of the surly attitude displayed of late).
Artwork by Jason Buss.
This page last modified 1/21/98.
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