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If you're playing the Omega World game from Polyhedron magazine, check out my character sheet! Gamma World (TSR, now Sword & Sorcery)Gamma World d20 Character Record 1.0Well, I just got my rulebook, but people are clamoring for a sheet...so here's a modified version of my d20 Modern character sheet which should serve until I can revisit it. 2 pages.
Gamma World Map of the BorderlandWith a new version of Gamma World out, I've dusted off some old maps of mine that others may find useful. This is a poster map (25.5" x 33", meant to be printed tiled) of "The Borderland" done in the style of the maps from Fourth Edition.
Gamma World Map of Meriga, 2471 A.D.This is a vector recreation of the map of the U.S. from the First Edition boxed set, with the cities and Cryptic Alliances added as described in Dragon magazine. Note that some city locations were incorrect in Dragon and have been corrected on this version. (They thought Nashville was where?) Using Acrobat 6 will let you toggle on or off various layers (like the key).
Gamma World Fourth Edition Character Record 2.0OK, so I finally got around to updating (and finishing!) my Gamma World sheets. Here's a two-pager for the fourth edition, with plenty of room for mutations, equipment and character notes. I'm interested in hearing reports from the field as to how to improve the overall design.
Gamma World First Edition Character Record 2.0While working on the new version of the fourth edition sheet above, I got nostalgic for the good ol' first edition, and decided to make a sheet for it which would invoke that feeling again. Keeping it black and white, I threw in some scans from the first edition, and used the font from Legion of Gold to finish the effect. Ah, those were the days... It should work pretty well with the second edition too. (Read XPs as Status and write in Rank somewhere!)
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