he stout southeastern tower of the Covenant has two floors and is claimed by the Magus Cynric. The lower floor is known to serve as his sleeping quarters; the upper floor houses the magical apparati comprising his laboratory. You ascend the creaking stairs, as strange pungent odors assail your nostrils and mutterings in an odd tongue reach your ears. Before you stands a stout wood door, which curiously has had its doorknob removed. In its place a makeshift latch had been placed. Rapping on the door, a soft voice addresses you, with an accent that you cannot place.
"Come in."
The door resists your firm push for a moment, then swings noiselessly inward. You step inside the chamber beyond..
Whatever you were expecting to see, the young man before you does not impress you. He is of medium build, though slightly muscular, with long brown hair that is slightly curly and a thick mustache and beard upon his chin. Although his bright blue eyes betray an active mind, you do not feel the tinge of the supernatural that you have grown to associate with those bearing the Gift.
"Please excuse the mess; I recently began to rearrange my laboratory and have not yet had sufficient time to organize it to my desires," says the wizard, if indeed this man is a wizard. The voice is soft, with a strange accent, and you can see how one would overlook this man in a crowd, for he seems so average. His blue robes suggest nobility, but everything around the room seems to steal your attention from the man before you. "Of course, once construction of the principia is completed, this tower will be destroyed and I shall have to move all of my equipment again to the keep." He smiles - a brief, but genuine, gesture - then continues: "Just let me finish this note and we can talk." What sort of accent is that?
The room seems to be in the process of being rearranged, but it does have all the trappings of a wizard's lab. There are several tables covered with strange apparati and weird-smelling stains. You notice several books on a shelf next to you; many are labelled in Latin script, others in a strange alphabet some call Cyrillic. Some bowls with strange painted designs on them catch your attention, as does an elaborately painted black laquer box. From the walls hang several swords, some large boar's tusks, animal hides, horns, and other trophies which suggest the incredible fact that this young man has survived many battles.
Cynric's laboratory belonged formerly to the Magus Melnik, who has been missing for years and is presumed dead at the hands of faeries. The lab has a Corpus (+3) speciality, with an overall Lab Quality of -3, a Safety Modifier of -3, and a Risk Modifier of 2.
Cynric's magic items include one Unwavering Torch of the Dutiful Scribe (CrIg 10), Melnik's Hinge of Solitude (PeMe 10), and the Eye of the Dead (ReMe 10).
Alleviate the Serpent's Bite (PeAn 5/+16), Soothe the Ferocious Boar (ReAn 5/+15), Lungs of the Fish (MuAq 10/+21), Ward Against Faeries of the Waters (ReAq 25/+20), Talons of the Winds (MuAu 20/+20), Circling Winds of Protection* (ReAu 15/+19), Summoning the Raven's Wind (ReAu 25/+19), Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+15), Pilum of Fire* (CrIg 20/+23), Wrathful Torment of the Searing Forge (CrIg 20/+23), Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+17), Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 10/+15), The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+14), Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe 15/+24), The Circle of Warriors (ReTe 10/+23), Ward Against Faeries of the Mountain (ReTe 30/+23), Orphean Chime of the Mystics (InVi 20/+12), Orphean Chime of the Mystics (InVi 20/+16), Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 21/+16), Circular Ward Against Demons (ReVi 20/+15).
*Mastered spells
Cynric also has two additional wizards' grimoires in his possession. The first is that of Melnik of Epebolus, former member of Rabenstein. Cynric has broken Melnik's code and transcribed some of its contents into the Covenant library. Its contents include Swathing the Body Wound (CrCo ??), Melnik's Salubrious Touch (CrCo ??), Eyes of the Night Owl (MuCo ??), Ascending the Steps of Isis (ReCo 15), Revulsion of the Wavering Yeoman (Pe Co ??), The Wound That Weeps (Pe Co 15), Wash of the Virulent Flames (CrIg ??), Leap of the Temperamental Flames (ReIg ??), Wrathful Torment of the Searing Forge (CrIg 20), Orphean Chime of the Mystics (InVi 20), and Circular Ward Against Demons (ReVi 20).
The second was taken from the Marched magus Rostan of the Covenant of the Summit in Kiev after he was slain by Cynric during the tale Dredging up the Past. It is written in Church Slavonic and thus Cynric is the only Magus at Rabenstein who can read it. Its spells include Thief of the Stolen Breath (PeAn 10), Wood of the Mutable Clay (MuHe 5), Voice of the Unspoken Word (CrIm 15), Discern Own Illusions (InIm 2), Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25), Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 5), Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15), Image Phantom (MuIm 25), Vision of the Sight Once Seen (InMe 20), and Chisel the Face of Stone (CrTe 20).
Cynric, filius Zhilandro, of House Ex Miscellanea, Master of Ravens and Hoplite of the Order of Hermes |
Strength (mighty blow) |
Dexterity (throwing things) |
Stamina (traveling) |
Quickness (swimming) |
Intelligence (seeing inconsistencies) |
Presence (first impressions) |
Perception (finding weaknesses) |
Communication (sounding brave) |
Virtues & Flaws: Gentle Gift +1, Well-Travelled +1, Aptitude With Elements +4, +4 Characteristic +1, Driving Goal (build impregnable defenses) -1, Deleterious Circumstances (in crowds) -2, Discredited Lineage -2, Bad Reputation (unlucky) -1, Dark Secret (ties to Díedne) -1 | |||||||||
Abilities: Speak German (bargaining) 4, Speak Latin (etiquette) 4, Scribe Latin (speed reading) 4, Speak Church Slavonic (Hermetic terms) 3, Scribe Church Slavonic (secular works) 3, Speak Russian (flattery) 3, Speak Italian (terms of affection) 2, Speak Magyar (hear whispers) 1, Magic Theory (potions) 5, Hermetic Lore (Schism War) 3, Parma Magica (Auram) 5, Single Weapon (broadsword) 3, Swim (long distances) 1, Penetration (Muto) 3, Brawl (dodge) 3, Finesse (grace) 4, Stealth (hiding) 2, Etiquette (assertiveness) 1, Faerie Lore (magic) 3, Styria Lore (geography) 1, Intrigue (negotiation) 3, Occult Lore (witches) 2, Climb (mountins) 1, Certámen (Aquam) 1, Concentration (reading) 3, Affinity With Death* (in the dark) 3, Spirit Lore (Celtic spirits) 2, Dancing (folk dancing) 1, Carouse (entertaining) 1, Noble Ken (courtiers) 1, Sacrificial Magic (rituals) 2, Kiev Lore (nobles) 1, Díedne Lore (rituals) 1, Pyromancy (demons) 1
* Due to Cynric's experiences in the caves of Mondsagen, Cynric has acquired a strange affinity with death, such that Cynric may gain some of the abilities or traits (listed in bold type) of creatures passing into death near him. These characteristics increase in potency with higher scores. The abilities also pass when new abilities are acquired. |
![]() |
Year Born |
Age (in 1220 A.D.) |
Decrepitude |
Gender |
Size |
Height |
Weight |
Hair |
Eyes |
Handedness |
Twilight Points |
Physical Description: Cynric is of medium, though muscular, build. His hair is long, brown and curling, and he wears a mustache (which betrays early touches of gray) and beard upon his chin. His eyes are bright and blue and betray a formidable intelligence as well as barely-concealed emotions. He usually dresses plainly but often dons a blue hooded robe when attempting to look important (this usually fails). He wears a necklace set with a freen turquoise and a plain silver locket around his neck, and a broadsword at his side. | |||||||||
Personality Traits: Kind (peasants) +2, Cautious (around Magi) +1, Curious (about secrets) +2, Romantic (redheads) +2, Brave (fighting alone) +2, Surly (to insults) +1, Protective (friends) +2, Amorous (Lady Loretta) +3, Judgemental (grudges) +2, Impulsive* (decisions for group) +1
*Due to Affinity With Death, above. |
Reputations: Díedne Impostor (Quaesitoris) 1, Unlucky (Novgorod Tribunal) 2, Weakling (Fröhnleiten) 2, Flame Wielder (Rabenstein) 1, Conjurer (Riegersburg) 2, Approachable (covenfolk) 2, Precocious (Nubes Fenestre) 1 | |||||||||
Creo |
Animál |
Ignem* |
Intéllego |
Aquam* |
Imáginem |
Muto |
Auram* |
Mentem |
Perdo |
Corpus |
Terram* |
Rego |
Herbam |
Vim |
Soak: +6 | Armor Worn: leather scale hauberk | ||||||||
Single weapon |
Brawling |
Background: Cynric was born in 1183 to a wealthy merchant named Osric and his wife Mor, in the city of Hamburg, in the Duchy of Saxony. Osric was of good Saxon stock but Mor was the daughter of Irish captives taken in raids upon that island. Osric and his brother Oswald maintained several cogs that plied the trade routes of the Atlantic, and they often accompanied their ships on their journeys. Thus Cynric's upbringing was left to Mor, who instilled in Cynric more of the values of her people than of the local Saxons. Osric died of a fever when Cynric was but 6, and Oswald then took Mor as his wife, which did not please Mor or young Cynric. Cynric embraced his mother's teachings and spent many hours in awe of nature and the bounty of the Earth Mother. Mor sensed that her bright son also possessed something special - the Gift - and she sent him back to Ireland to her relatives, who had ties to the Druidic traditions. When Oswald returned from a journey at sea to learn that his "son" was gone, he beat Mor mercilessly and locked her away beneath his home. Cynric was found in Ireland and returned home by Osric's agents. Cynric was told that his mother had also succumbed to a fever, and as he was devastated by the 'loss' of his mother, Osric decided that the youth should accompany him on his next sea voyage to Danzig.
A month later, the voyage took Cynric to the eastern fringe of the North Sea, where a violent storm battered the ship and smashed the hull to pieces. Cynric did not know what happened thereafter, but he never saw any of the crew, including his uncle, alive again. He was picked up by a Swedish boat and sold by his unscrupulous saviors to a Finnish captain looking for 'volunteers' for his crew. Cynric was treated poorly by his new master, and during a scuffle that broke out when this new ship put in port in Riga, he jumped ship and headed southeast. Due to his ill treatment aboard ship and malnourishment as a result of his flight from Riga, Cynric was struck with a fever, and after many days of travel both on foot and on a wagon he collapsed near the Russian village of Voronyezh. Taken in by serfs, he was forced to work by his new 'parents.' Though they treated him well, Cynric was unused to such manual labor, and soon planned to run away. However, Zhilondro, a local wizard, encountered young Cynric while he was in the nearby woods, and was greatly interested in the obviously alien lad. After talking with him, he had ascertained that Cynric had the Gift, and as the mage was thinking of acquiring an apprentice soon, offered to instruct the boy in the Arts.
When Cynric had finished his apprenticeship at Zavet Zemlisky Rany (Earthwound Covenant) near Novgorod, Zhilandro convinced him to travel south to the vis-rich Zavet Stlupa Trina (the Covenant of the Tower of Thorns) in the expanses of the Pripet Marshes. The bustle of Novgorod was sometimes too much for Cynric anyway, so he agreed and planned to petition the Covenant for membership. However, both the unhealthy vapors of the marsh and Cynric's past encouraged him to move on. It became known that Cynric was suspected by the Quaesitoris of involvement with House Díedne, and since the Tower of Thorns was attempting to increase its political clout in the Novgorod Tribunal, Cynric was not welcomed with open arms. Thus Cynric pushed south to Kiev and west into the Carpathians, in hopes of escaping his past and discovering a home. He was accompanied on his journey by Brother Meshach of Kiev, seeking enlightenment in the west, and the young Piotr Vasilevich and Tatyana Ivanovna of Rusa (or perhaps Cynric was accompanied by Tatyana and she was accompanied by Piotr).
Returning from the Carpathians with these companions and Lassitor of Criamon to Rabenstein, the two Magi entered the caves of Mondsagen, from which purportedly one cannot return a second time without going insane. Cynric entered and encountered a dying bat. Something of the strange nature of the caves caused Cynric to sense a link to those creatures passing into death, and now Cynric has begun to notice changes in himself whenever he is near someone who dies. This only serves to increase the young wizard's already volatile emotions, which seem to directly reflect his elemental nature.
Cynric's past caused him to be timid and defensive, but since apprenticeship, the young Magus has changed dramatically and his defensive nature has changed appropriately, both by being thrust into the forge of battle and through the strange affinity with death that he acquired at Mondsagen. Once frightened by conflict, Cynric seems now to embrace it if called upon to defend those causes he cares about, and his desire for a strong defense seems now to reflect his acknowledgement of his increased exposure to potential harm as well as a means by which others may be protected.
Cynric and other members of Rabenstein: Since joining Rabenstein, Cynric has become less paranoid and generally more at ease. He has made (and lost) friends here, and found a home after so many years of wandering. The nature of the place is problematic for the young Ex Miscellanea; while Cynric's elemental side and Celtic sympathies sometimes make him sympathetic to the warlike nature of the Morrigan, his devotion to his Christian faith at the same time serves as a constant source of friction. Another constant point of contention is Loretta; while most, if not all, of the other Magi fear her machinations, Cynric sees her as a valuable asset to the covenant.
Merento first struck Cynric as too far removed from the mundane world, though he quickly gained a healthy respect for Merento's magical talents after assisting him in his lab work. As the years have passed, Cynric has come to understand the Bonisagus, and shares with him a strong desire to constantly shore up the Covenant's defenses and make it an impregnable fortress. Further, Cynric thinks he sees a guarded respect on Merento's part (while Merento admires the fierce loyalty he has seen in Cynric, Cynric assumes Merento just respects his aptitude for elemental magics). There have been some rocky spells in their relationship - the incident with Lassitor and House Díedne for one - and their increasing closeness may be in part due to the chaotic nature of the Covenant, but nonetheless Cynric considers Merento a valuable friend.
Although he sometimes found himself in disagreement with Julian where Tatyana was comcerned, Cynric understood him best of the other Magi, and through his many adventures with the Jerbiton forged a friendship with him. Cynric respected his calm, measured approach to most problems, knowing his own fiery temper was offset by the Jerbiton's temperament. Julian also shared Cynric's attachments to the mundane world, and the two were oft able to forge ties with it where others could not due to their gentle Gifts. They further shared a dark secret concerning their conspiracy at Oravsky Podzamok. However, Julian's botched Perdo Mentem spell against the Shadow King (during the tale The King of Shadows) wrought a terrible change upon the Jerbiton, and although Cynric was relieved to see him regain consciousness after three months of inactivity, the glimpses of the new Julian he has seen have been more than a little disconcerting to Cynric. Cynric has made several attempts to reconnect with his friend, but Julian's obsession with the Morrigan has kept a wide gulf between them.
The Bjornaer Magda is something of a kindred spirit, being looked upon as a 'nominal' member of the Order and sharing what Cynric sees as a healthy distrust of the Quaesitoris. The Maga seems to share Cynric's tendency to act on principle, the consequences be damned, and an ability to act quickly and decisively which perhaps none of the other Magi save himself and Merento exhibit. Although the episode with the Cumans made him suspicious of her, Cynric has all too often dealt with personal secrets, and knows that Magda has her heart in the right place...and that's all he asks. She stood up to be counted with Cynric when Loretta needed to be rescued, and because of this and many other tests, Cynric trusts her and looks upon her as a close friend.
The newest member of the Covenant, Nicolaus, has interests that Cynric does not fully understand. The Pole's air is strange in the manner of Lassitor or Merento, and his apparent distrust of clergymen is disconcerting to Cynric. Cynric never seems to agree with the Arteman in Council (or without) nor did his friend Julian. Perhaps the man is too rational; Cynric would fear his heart was misplaced if he had not seen him carve toys for the village children. Since Nicolaus moved his sanctum above ground, Cynric has had more of an opportunity to interact with the Arteman; perhaps increased understanding and respect (if not friendship) will result.
Though Cynric met Lassitor first of all the Magi of Rabenstein (during the story The Sailors of Mabanogia), he understood the Criamon's interests little, in spite of several forays with him. Lassitor's seeming lack of compassion for mundanes was at odds with Cynric's soft-heartedness and genuine concern for anyone he respected. Yet both Magi seemed to have in common a reckless nature brought on by acting on what each holds dear, which Cynric understands and appreciates. Cynric hoped that he could perhaps teach the Criamon that the mundanes were worthy of his protection, and that they would make more worthy friends than the faeries, who Cynric sees as maelfic (or at best extremely dangerous) foes to be avoided whenever possible. This is been made moot since Lassitor's renouncement of allegiance to Rabenstein to pursue the Díedne ties he had hidden from all (revealed in the story The Forsaken House Díedne). Though Cynric had gained some Enigmatic Wisdom from the death of Rostan (see Dredging up the Past) and had just begun to understand the Criamon, his quick disappearance left Cynric disappointed and disgruntled.
Of Capra of Bjornaer Cynric saw little, though he respects his role in the Covenant's founding and his Bjornaer battle prowess. His desire to marry shamanic traditions and Hermetic magic also appeals to Cynric's sensibilities and in Cynric's view such knowledge would prove an invaluable resource to the Covenant. Still, the Hungarian Magus has been gone far too long, and his apparent lack of interest in Rabenstein and his neglect of Covenant duties have given Cynric cause to distrust him. The episode with the Cumans has not helped matters.
Among the mundanes he is of course closest to the Russians with whom he journeyed to Rabenstein. In Brother Meshach, Cynric found a kindred spirit and confessor, a fellow Russian Orthodox Christian who shared the Magus' insatiable curiosity, soft-heartedness and open mind. His death at the hands of Bertoul hit Cynric hard. Cynric views Piotr almost as an estranged younger brother, who must be looked after and nurtured, though Piotr's distrust of all Magi helps maintain a distance between them. Their relationship is further complicated by the girl Tatyana, who Cynric cares for in a manner akin to family, but the beautiful lass had stirred other feelings in the passionate young Magus which he never came to terms with. Now that she is married to Sir Ladewig (whom Cynric likes about as well as he could like someone who married Tatyana) and they are expecting, Cynric feels almost like an uncle to the unborn child. Cynric's relationship with the other socii is somewhat strained; they often seek him out when they need a wizard's help but do not seem very respectful even after his even-handed treatment of them. He is particularly resentful of Matthias and other grogs who have directly disobeyed him. Having accepted the title of 'Master of Ravens' as was Merento's idea, Cynric is supposed to coordinate covenant defense with the Miles, Erik, but the two men have never quite hit it off.
The lovely Lady Loretta is another distraction for the young Magus. Her beauty, intelligence and dignity much impressed Cynric when he first met her at Straussburg; he was quickly preoccupied with thoughts of her (stories involving Cynric's relationship with Loretta include The Picture of Castellan Demel, The Troll of the Magdalensberg, The Peripheral Code, The Harlot of Fröhnleiten, The Lion of St. Mark and Caught in Her Own Deception). Though Cynric remains wary of her Tytalus education (although she rejected her master and House she has shown a predilection for deception and manipulation), and Loretta lied to him about important points of her past, her hold on Cynric's heart seems as strong as ever. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Covenant, Cynric has proposed to her, though she has not (yet?) accepted, insisting she must finish her apprenticeship before considering a perilous open declaration of involvement.
Personal ties seem to be of paramount importance to young Cynric, who has now fought for others and narrowly escaped death on many occasions. Trolls, vampires, wizards, faeries...these fell creatures Cynric has fought on behalf of his friends as often as in defense of his own life. While those who earn Cynric's enmity can be assured of long and bitter grudges, his friends can likewise be assured that the Ex Miscellanea will jump to their aid without hesitation and often without contemplation of (or more likely, with utter disdain for) the consequences. In the process, Cynric has gone through a fair number of swords...
Thus far, Cynric is well-pleased with his new home and his new sodalis; he overlooks the faults of his fellow Magi as they tolerate his, and all work towards the prosperity and autonomy of the Covenant of Corvus Saxum.
Illustration by Patrick Murphy.
This page last modified 15-Jan 2000.
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