Gustav of House Merinita

Gustav was the third Magus to join Rabenstein, validating the spring Covenant in 1296. His years with the Covenant were troubled, as misfortune seemed to follow the young firebrand. In 1208 he left Rabenstein and renounced his membership there to join Irincillia Covenant, citing the death of his nephew Axel Grolsch (caused by the strange magical aura of the place) and the Covenant's growing ties to the mundane power of the Bishop of Seckau. His lab now lies abandoned deep in the caverns beneath the Covenant, where he could enjoy the solitude.Gustav's Picture

Gustav wears a silk shirt of black, and leather pants. He wears a single silver ring. Those near him often cringe at the foul smell emanating from him, a combination of garlic, sweat, or perhaps the stench of something decaying nearby.


The laboratory was abandoned when Gustav departed the Covenant in 1208, its tools scattered among the remaining Magi or taken with him to Irincilla.

The abandoned laboratory retains meager supplies of burnt coals, spring water and melted snow, and various containers filled with rust filings, dirt, and ashes.

Lab quality (-4), Safety Modifier +1, Specialization is Creo (+3).

Vis supply

None (Gustav took his supply of vis away with him when he departed Rabenstein).

Gustav and Other Members of Rabenstein

Gustav apprenticed at Silistra Covenant in the Rhine valley, though his master Laelianus went rather mad during the latter years of his apprenticeship, leaving his pupil on his own. It took him three attempts to pass his guantlet as Imsos of Flambeau (a fellow Magus at Silistra) administered the test in his master's stead. Gustav arrived at Rabenstein with Melnik of Epebolus (Imsos' pupil), the battle-hardened grog Erik von Mälmo, and his two nephews, all of whom were members of Silistra Covenant. With Melnik's disappearance in the faerie forest, his nephew Axel's death, and Erik's banishment to the moon, his closest friends at Rabenstein were all but lost, further alienating the Magus (in addition, his wife Charlotte stayed briefly with him at the Covenant, but was forced to depart in 1205). It was not surprising that Gustav chose to depart Rabenstein under these circumstances, especially as he grew closer to fellow Merenita Magi at Irincilla Covenant in the Bohemian forest.

During Gustav's tenure with Rabenstein, he frequently scoffed at the advancement of the Bishop's influence over the Covenant, but was convinced Lady Enelle the autocrat could manipulate his canons in their favor. Gustav forged a curious friendship with Merento of Bonisagus, and though his lengthy association with Lassitor of Criamon was strained when he departed the Covenant, the two seem to have reconciled. Newer Magi to Rabenstein (Cynric Ex Miscellanea, Julian of Jerbiton, Magda of Bjornaer, and Nicolaus of Arteman) are not well-known to Gustav. He does not particularly trust Julian, whom he fears is leading the Covenant into bed with local nobility, but since he is no longer a member of Rabenstein he holds no grudge (in fact he secretly hopes Julian succeeds to assure himself that he made the correct decision in departing Rabenstein). Gustav respects Cynric for his interest in elemental sorcery, but all the more reason to depart since they would be competing for vis. Gustav remains proud of his time with Rabenstein, and supported them at the Tribunal of 1209 (against the express wishes of his Primus, Deiopea of Quendalon). He hopes to maintain amicable relations with the Magi of Rabenstein.

This page last modified 9/14/97.

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