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2320AD Cover2320AD (QuickLink Interactive)

2320AD Character Sheet 1.0

2320AD Sheet p12320AD Sheet p2

Given my love of the setting, I was thrilled when I was asked to make the official sheet for 2320AD, based on my similarly-official Traveller d20 sheet. Unlike the one in the book, however, I used my layering magic to allow folks to tweak this one just a bit...


2300AD2300AD (GDW)

2300AD Character Sheet 2.1

My favorite hard sci-fi game, now defunct but with an avid following. This character sheet is a two-page sheet with lots of space for skills and weapons, as well as contacts and equipment. Replete with hit location/armor table.


2300AD Director's Screen

2300AD Director's Screen 1

When I ran a 2300AD game my freshman year of college, I decided I needed a GM screen. So here are all the relevant tables...including a couple of ones for house rules. Anyway, print them out and attach them to some cardboard (I used to paper clip them to my TOP SECRET Admin's Screen) or just keep them loose as handy reference sheets. Download the splash page separately below.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2300AD Director's Screen - Splash Page

For my splash screen I just scanned in the cover to the adventure The Tricolor's Shadow which came with the original Traveller: 2300 boxed set. It's black and white, but big, so I've separated it from the rest of the Director's Screen.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

2300AD Careers

A compilation of careers from the rulebook, various supplements, and even some home brewed stuff like Marines, Clergymen and even Prostitutes!

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2300AD New Equipment

A selection of new equipment for 2300AD, including a lot of firearms. My friend Dave Myers and I ran a 2300AD game at Vanderbilt and this was part of our collaborative effort.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

2300AD Psionics

Another product of the campaign run by Dave Myers and myself, this one is mostly Dave's baby. I only get credit for cleaning it up. An adaption of Traveller psionics to 2300AD with some thoughts on the history and politics of psionics in 2300AD.

2300AD Robots

An early work of mine: translating Traveller rules for robots (from an old issue of Dragon magazine) to 2300AD. May be of interest to some of you out there...they're untested, so let the reader beware!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This page last modified Thursday, February 6, 2025 5:17 PM

Mad Irishman Productions and the Mad Irishman Logo ©1998-2019 by Patrick M. Murphy

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