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d20 Systemd20 System Character Sheet 1.5 I tweaked my d20 system sheet to reflect some of the design improvements I made in my other sheets. This also uses layering to allow you to switch between Hit Points and Vitality/Wounds, so you'll need Acrobat 6 or later to use it. I also made a special version to celebrate the 2005 NCAA Basketball Championship, won by my own beloved Tar Heels! Oh yeah, and another one for 2009! And by request, I did a quick-and-dirty version for St. Patrick's Day!
d20 System Character Sheet beta After threatening to do it for a long time, I finally took the first steps towards creating a generic d20 sheet. Undoubtedly it will need some tweaking, so send me your suggestions...just keep in mind that by definition, this sheet can't be everything to all people, or all games!
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