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Torg Char Sheet 1Torg (West End Games)

Torg Character Sheet 2.1

 Torg Char Sheet 1Torg Char Sheet 2

Torg was not the kind of game that I thought I would like. The background was certainly kinda wacky. But I ended up loving the game, and my friend Dave Thompson and I collaborated on a whole heap of Torg stuff. The mechanics are superb for cinematic-style roleplaying. Taking West End's lead on character sheet design, I spruced it up a bit and made room for some extra goodies.

Torg Powers Sheet

 Torg Powers Sheet

My friend Dave Thompson threw this one together, I'm just making it available. Record your spells, equipment and other special powers on this handy sheet.

This page last modified Thursday, February 6, 2025 5:26 PM

Mad Irishman Productions and the Mad Irishman Logo ©1998-2019 by Patrick M. Murphy

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