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Ars Magica (Atlas Games)

Ars Magica Fifth Edition Sheets for Metacreator

ArM5 MC Sheet p1ArM5 MC Sheet p2

ArM5 MC Sheet p3ArM5 MC Sheet p4

The awesome Metacreator program - with its Ars Magica Fifth Edition template - is indispensible for play, but it will surprise no one I find its default character sheet output lacking in a little charm. So I've slogged through a relatively unfriendly print template interface to produce my own custom sheets, mimicking my Fourth Edition sheets below, but allowing you to use the powerful tracking capabilities of Metacreator.

Essentially, I have two versions of the character sheet and spell grimoire, using the Weiss font that Atlas uses in the official publications (and the Lombardy font that already comes with the ArM template). The better-looking one uses the official Weiss Std font from Adobe, but most folks won't have that, so I made a second version of each using a free Weiss knockoff which you can find here.

Both character sheets also use a custom macro which I tack on to the end of the Print file in the ArM5 directory (open it with Notepad or the like and just paste it at the end.)

Ars Magica Fifth Edition Storyguide Screen

ArM5 SG Screen p1ArM5 SG Screen p2

ArM5 SG Screen p3ArM5 SG Screen p4

ArM5 SG Screen p5ArM5 SG Screen p6

Have you seen this thing?

Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen (S2P10002)

Yeah, OK, so I get a tiny kickback from Amazon if you buy one from this link. But really, finally. I can make up GM screens for my favorite games and not have to rig some half-ass way of getting it to the table - just print and slide them into the slots of this baby, and you're ready to go. Switch games, and just switch panels out. Done.

So here's one for Ars Magica Fifth Edition. As usual, it uses layers galore, so if you want black and white, Third Edition-style borders, Fourth Edition fonts, etc. etc., just try turning layers on and off until you get what you want.

(Oh yeah, I usually leave out one of these panels and stick in a landscape illustration or our campaign map in the center panel facing the players, but anyway.)

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Ars Magica Fifth Edition Illuminated Character Sheet

MI ArM5 Medieval Character Sheet 1MI ArM5 Medieval Character Sheet 2

MI ArM5 Medieval Character Sheet 3MI ArM5 Medieval Character Sheet 4

I had promised this one for quite some time, finally finished it, uploaded it, people liked it, and then somehow managed to kill the download part at some point. :^( Anyway, the exact opposite of the "d20-style" sheets below: per request, a more "magical" flavored sheet. At some point I'll hopefully have different font choices like I did for the 4.0 sheets, below. Requires Acrobat 6 or later to turn on and off layers like the parchment background.
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Ars Magica Fifth Edition Character Sheet 2.0

Ars Magica 5e Sheet 2.0 page 1Ars Magica 5e Sheet 2.0 page 2

Ars Magica 5e Sheet 2.0 page 3Ars Magica 5e Sheet 2.0 page 4

This is quite different from 1.0 below, for a couple of reasons. One, I was (perhaps ironically with a game like Ars Magica) looking for something more "modern." Second, I wanted something that might attract new blood to the game. To that end, I adopted a "d20 look" to the layout, and it's a "training sheet" in that the Arts are spelled out, as are all the things which add up to produce your bonuses. I'm already working on a more Medieval-flavored ArM 5 sheet, don't worry—but you can also turn down the d20 a bit by layer choices. Click on the block below the logo to add your character's portrait.
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Ars Magica Fifth Edition Character Sheet 1.0

A four-page character sheet for Ars Magica Fifth Edition. This sheet is due for an overhaul, but this version corrects some errors on Atlas' official sheet (namely, Body Levels being for Fourth Edition, and an incorrect Concentration formula). Click on the block below the logo to add your character's portrait.
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Ars Magica Fourth Edition Character Sheet 2.1







While I like my Ars database and am fairly happy with the character sheets it prints out, its sheets lack a certain style that I wanted back. So I finally sat down with InDesign and created another version specifically to be filled out by hand. Not stopping there, I came up with six different "flavors": font and graphics choices which I think will help you match a sheet to your saga's locale! Supplemental sheets coming soon for Volkhvy, Vitkir, Kabbalists, etc.

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Ars Magica Fourth Edition Character Sheet

Ars Magica is my favorite fantasy roleplaying game, hands down. I'm working on a FileMaker Pro database for the game; here's a printout of the character sheet. The design is based in part upon one produced by the Alpha Storyguide of our Rabenstein saga, Jason Buss (see below).

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Ars Magica Story Record

In trying to help us keep track of who did what during each story our Troupe runs, I developed this simple story record. Keep track of when the game was played, who ran it, what the characters did, and what their (in)famous quotes of the night were.

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Ars Magica Third Edition Character Sheet, Jason Buss Edition

This is the way-cool sheet that my friend Jason Buss created for the Rabenstein saga. The current ruleset then was the third edition, so you might have to write in some things by hand to use this with the fourth (like experience points for Arts), but it's distinctive. Jason has added some cool things like "Astrological Influences" which are not in the rules, and mostly there for color. Note that where I create all mine on my computer, this is a straight scan job from Jason's fine hand crafting.

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The Little Boy Everybody Wanted: An Ars Magica Adventure

Adventure notes for Ars Magica based in the lands of Rus and the Novgorod Tribunal. I ran this story as part of the Rabenstein saga. This story recently appeared (in French) in issue number 18 of the French fanzine Ars Mag.

Map of Medieval Mesopotamia

I did the maps for the Atlas Games product Ancient Magic, with the help of the lovely Valerie Nix. Here's one of the maps from that product.

Maps of Rabenstein Covenant

Rabenstein Map

Maps of Rabenstein covenant, home to my first (and favorite) Ars Magica saga. Uses layering (Acrobat 6+); necessary for the first map, which toggles layers to represent all the foors of the covenant.

Maps of Vigil Cavernae

Vigil Cavernae Map

Vigil Cavernae Environs

Map of Medieval Ragusa

Maps of Vigil Cavernae covenant, its environs and the village of Cavtat, and the nearby city of Ragusa (Dubrovnik). Uses layering (Acrobat 6+); necessary for the first map, which toggles layers to represent all the foors of the covenant.

Map of Medieval Rus

Map of Rus

Always interested in Medieval Russian history, I worked up a good bit of information for Ars Magica. Here is an approximately 8" x 16" map of the principalities of Rus, including major towns, rivers, covenants, political boundaries and trade routes.

Map of Medieval Novgorod


Another map, this time of the Russian city of Novgorod, showing streets and major buildings (sorry, key is forthcoming).

Map of Medieval Novgorod and Environs

Novgorod & Environs

Another map of Novgorod, this time of the city's immediate environs. Useful to me, perhaps it will be to you as well if you have a game set in Novgorod.

Map of Medieval Kiev and Environs

Kiev & Environs

A map of Kiev the Golden and its immediate surroundings. Useful for stories set in the Kiev area.

Map of Cumbria

A very detailed map of medieval Cumbria - where the Corona Montis saga is set - showing towns, baronies, and religious and magical sites. May be of use to other English sagas.

Buy a printed copy as a 16" x 20" poster here!

Maps of Austhwaite Manor & Banggarth Hall

I worked up a map of the manor within which the noble Austhwaite family and the magi of the Covenant of Corona Montis reside. I was pretty pleased with the way it came out, and since I made a PDF of it for the members of our Ars Magica troupe I figured I might as well post it as others might find a use for it in their games. The first PDF has Austhwaite Manor's levels, before and after addition of a pele tower and an additional wing, as well as Banggarth Hall, the magi sancti, and Roland Whitney's villa: to access each, turn on or off the appropriate layers in Acrobat.

This page last modified Thursday, February 6, 2025 5:17 PM

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