Baelthornon, filius Caletus, Magus of House Bonisagus

As you knock upon a door of stout English oak, you hear someone stop muttering in Latin. Moments later, the door opens...and you find yourself looking up at the surprisingly large figure towering above you. The man's blue eyes sparkle with curiosity, though they also betray some slight irritation. His raiments would not be out of place on a noble, and he strikes you more as a lord than as a scholar.

"Do come in. You can sit down..."

Here the giant scratches his bearded chin and frowns. The room is filled to capacity with books, laboratory equipment, and strange smells and sounds. Apparently, the man is a sorceror after all.

Baelthornon of Bonisagus strides past you.

"I suppose I'd better clear some room for you to sit."

Looking from one chair to another, Baelthornon plucks a large, strange, bobtailed cat from one of them and unceremoniously dumps her in the floor. The animal complains loudly, but the wizard seems unapologetic.

"Sorry, Arianrod, we have guests." Looking back at you, he smiles. "What can I do for you?"


Baelthornon has been granted use of John Austhwaite's laboratory, while he is away indefinitely at court in London. The laboratory has a Mentem speciality, with an overall Lab Quality of 1.

Hermetic Grimoire (TechForm Level/Bonus)

Twinning the Tome (MuAn 20/+18), The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+21), Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+21), Aegis of Perseus (MuCo [Te] 20/+17), Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCo 25/+21), Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+23), Snaking Symbol of Stupefaction (ReCo [Im] 20/+19), Heat of the Searing Forge (CrIg 10/+12), Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+12), Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25/+14), Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10/+15), Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+20), Rune of Protection (MuVi 20/+12), Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20/+12), Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 25/+14).

*Mastered spells

Lab Inventions

Aegis of Perseus (MuCo [Te] 20)
Aegis of the Hearth
(ReVi 25) [with Celer of Bonisagus]
Rune of Protection (MuVi 20)
Snaking Symbol of Stupefaction (ReCo[Im] 20)
Twinning the Tome (MuAn 20)
longevity potion for Roland Whitney of Ex Miscellanea (lab total: 37)

Vis Supply

2 pawns of Aquam (diamond earring),
2 pawns of Aquam (moss),
1 pawn of Aquam (Formorian blood),
2 pawns of Ignem (diamond earrings),
1 pawn of Intéllego (dust of an Eye of Argus),
1 pawn of Rego (ruby), and
3 pawns of Terram (4 pawns if not divided, Grendel claw).


Arianrod, an orange female Manx cat (Magic Might: 5, Size: -3, Str -3, Stm 0, Int +1, Per +3, Dex +3, Qik +3, Dfn +7, Soak -2)

Bond scores: Bronze +2, Silver +1, Gold +1

Bond qualities and abilities: Baelthornon receives a +1 to rolls versus mental magic or mental influence, and a +2 to his Soak and healing spells. He rolls 1 less Botch die than normal. Arianrod has the powers of Shapechange (+15) and Shared Speech (+10).

Baelthornon of House Bonisagus, filius Caletus of House Bonisagus, a.k.a. Sir Aeddan Willoughby of Mawnan

Strength (large)
Dexterity (two left feet)
Stamina (hardy)
Quickness (ponderous)
Intelligence (intuitive)
Presence (overbearing)
Perception (thoughtful)
Virtues & Flaws: Hermetic Prestige +1, Great Intelligence +2, Inventive Genius +1, Affinity With Corpus +3, Gentle Gift +1, Magic Susceptibility -1, Black Sheep -1, Driving Goal (to find twin sister) -1, Incompatible Arts (Intéllego and Herbam) -1, Flawed Parma Magica (half resistance versus Herbam) -1, Overconfident -2, Twilight Points -1
Abilities: Hermes Lore (foreign wizards) 3, Scribe Latin (fast writer) 3, Speak Latin (Hermetic terms) 5, Speak English (flattery) 4, Scribe English (signature) 3, Speak Cornish (vocabulary) 3, Certámen (Corpus) 1, Concentration (reading) 2, Finesse (Corpus) 3, Cumbria Lore (nobility) 2, Magic Theory (potions) 7, Parma Magica (Corpus) 4, Penetration (Corpus) 3, Affinity With Corpus (invention) 4, Etiquette (nobility) 2, Intrigue (rumors) 3, Swim (ocean) 1, Boating (navigation) 1, Sailing Lore (shipping vessels) 2, Sailing (repairs) 1, Occult Lore (deities) 3, Folk Ken (nobility) 4, Ride (show) 2, Faerie Lore (earth faeries) 3, Legend Lore (beasts) 2, Scotland Lore (Picts) 1, Stealth (indoors) 1, Hermetic Law (Marches) 1
Year Born
Age (in 1231 A.D.)
194 lbs.
Twilight Points
Physical Description: Baelthornon is of medium build but of very large proportions. His face is often an image of intense concentration, and is framed by almost shoulder-length straight sandy hair, parted down the middle, with a remarkable silver streak running through hair over his right temple. His beard and mustache are a darker brown.
Personality Traits: Curious (mysteries) +2, Reflective (past) +2, Overconfident (magical talents) +3, Polite (nobles) +1, Focused (task at hand) +2, Suspicious (motives) +2, Protective (family) +2
Reputations: Respected (Order) 3, Black Sheep (Cornwall) 2, Dragon Plaything (covenant) 2, Fecund (covenant) 2
Magical Arts
*effectively 4 points higher due to affinity
Wizard's Sigil: those within Near range get goosebumps
Soak: +7 Armor Worn: metal reinforced leather hauberk (augmented by familiar)
Single weapon
Single weapon
Wolf form

Background: Aeddan was born in 1191 in Mawnan, outside the town of Falmouth, to noble parents, Lord Cador and Lady Collwen Willoughby. The family was well known throughout Cornwall for its magnificent home and its small fleet of sailing vessels which plied the trade routes from Falmouth to destinations across the Channel and the Irish Sea. Aeddan was born several minutes after his twin sister, Adwen. Their older brother Tathal had been born three years previously and two years after Aeddan and Adwen's birth, another brother, Goran, was born.

Baelthornon 2When Aeddan was but six, his family journeyed to the city of Exeter. One morning during the trip, a stranger presented himself to Aeddan's family. The man seemed altogether strange and spoke briefly to Aeddan and his sister. He still vividly remembers the man smiling strangely at the twins, stroking his sister's chin and saying, "your daughter is as lovely as Loviatar herself." That foreign voice might not have stayed with Aeddan as long as it has if it were not for what occurred later that evening: While walking down a lonely street of the city with his mother and sister, three cloaked figures appeared before them. With a few strange words and a gesture from one of the men, Aeddan's mother was bespelled and did not move or act. Then the other men grabbed for Aeddan and Adwen. Adwen was taken but Aeddan managed to duck behind some nearby crates, where a hand reached for him and he heard that same voice say, "Come now boy, we will not hurt you." After several moments there was noise above and the hand receded with the group's footfalls.

Lord Cador searched for his daughter in vain. It was not until two years later, when the Lord was approached by a magus seeking the boy Aeddan as an apprentice, that he learned that Aeddan had the Gift and his sister had likely possessed it as well. Seeking to use magic to ensure her return, and learning that this magus was unwilling or unable to help him, the vengeful Lord Cador agreed to have young Aeddan apprentice at the Covenant of Sprayspire.

Aeddan was apprenticed to Michael of Jerbiton because of his noble background. However, the lad was very bright, and given his aptitude, the Bonisagus Caletus, filius Ctibius of Bonisagus, claimed him after but a year of apprenticeship under Michael. Caletus was a kind but serious man, dedicated to achieving great things in the name of the Order and his House. Being somewhat more politically minded than most Bonisagus magi, he tried to prepare the boy for political machinations, but like most of his House, the Art was his first devotion, and he passed this love on to Aeddan. Michael continued to guide Aeddan in mundane matters, and if Caletus was Aeddan's pater, Michael became his uncle. Upon completion of his studies and passing a lengthy examination which was his Gauntlet, Caletus bestowed Aeddan with his Hermetic name: Baelthornon.

His aging father now expected to have Aeddan use his magics to find and return the lost Adwen. When Aeddan tried to make his father realize that he knew not how to look for her, and that he would move on to join a covenant of wizards elsewhere in England, Lord Cador was infuriated. He cursed Aeddan for his betrayal, and his brothers likewise grew angry with him (though his younger brother perhaps less so, for he later attempted to persuade Aeddan to stay with the family in Falmouth). While troubled over his family's reaction, Aeddan was determined to achieve greatness in the Order and therefore set out for Cumbria to join the covenant.

Aeddan still has recurring nightmares about his sister and the mysterious man that claimed her. Sometimes the man appears as Aeddan's own master, other times he is caught and his sister remains behind, still other times Aeddan uses magic to help the mysterious assailant. One constant remains: the foreign voice, cold and clear in Aeddan's mind as that day so many years ago. Once Aeddan hungered for vengeance as did his family, but with the passage of time and immersion in the mysteries of magic, vengeance was supplanted by a insatiable curiosity about his long lost sister. What would she look like today? Is she a wizard of the Order just as Aeddan is? Did she succumb to a fever, marry a noble, or serve some dark purpose of her kidnapper? And most of all, does she remember her lost twin brother?

Those questions were finally answered when Aeddan found himself prisoner to Adwen and her master. His long-lost sister now was seemingly bent on her family's destruction for some perceived wrong, and slew their parents in the winter of 1225. This has both sobered and saddened the generally good-natured Magus (see the stories Family Reunion and A Willoughby Family Wedding).

Aeddan seems to be most impressed with resourceful and clever people, particularly of the fairer sex. Dulcibella of Ex Miscellanea much impressed him with her escape in the story And Everywhere that Alba Went..., while the scribe of Chapel Hill posing as a maga also showed great poise during the Journey to Chapel Hill.

The Bonisagus pulled a major political coup when he successfully petitioned John Austhwaite of Jerbiton for the hand of his daughter Clothilde (herself a maga of Mercere, albeit without the Gift). Both men agreed that the pairing was advantageous to both the Austhwaite and Willoughby families: the union of two Hermetic wizards of noble birth. The hope was that this marriage would produce offspring for both families but still allow for the pursuit of Hermetic prestige. While Aeddan admired Clothilde, it was a marriage of convenience and not of passion, although it was hoped that the two would develop a fondness for each other.

In the summer of 1227, Baelthornon discovered that he was very much a father. First the slightly mad Gladys produced a child seemingly from thin air. In truth, the handsome, good-natured boy came from the same magical realm where Gladys had met Marcellus, and Baelthornon had met the dragoness Dominique (see the story Between Two Worlds). After spending some time alone with her, Baelthornon had gained a silver streak in his hair and lost all memory of what transpired. Nevertheless, he was stunned when his magics showed him that Dominique was the mother of the child now claimed by Gladys, and dumbfounded when they also revealed him to be the father! After briefly venturing into the magical realm with Celer to speak to Dominique, Baelthornon acquired another silver streak in his hair at her touch, hopefully with a different outcome this time...

Shortly thereafter, Clothilde gave birth to four children of their own: Rachel, Abigail, Daniel and Collwen. Aeddan found himself trying to grasp the idea of fatherhood when Daniel was snatched away from Austhwaite Manor by the annis Gelta (see Blessed Events). Before Aeddan simply wondered if these children would get in the way of his research; now the Bonisagus stormed into the faerie regio with his comrades to slay the hag and reclaim his son. For their loyalty and part in the rescue, he named Roland and Celer godfathers to the children.

His apprentice Andrea was married to a local knight in 1228. Aeddan hopes that this will stop any wagging tongues where his apprentice is concerned. Clothilde also gave birth to two sons in 1229, Martin and John, and Aeddan and Clothilde have grown closer with the growth of their family.

Illustrations by Patrick Murphy.

This page last modified August 26, 2011 11:07 PM

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